SONG Haiqing
Research Areas:1.?Supply Chain Management 2.?Logistics System Design and Analysis 3.?Operations Management 4.?Dynamic Resource Allocation Problem 5.?Dynamic Stochastic Network Optimization 6.?Vehicle Routing, Fleet Management
Dr. Haiqing Song?is a Professor in the School of Business, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. He received his Bachelor degrees in Science and Management Science from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2000, and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2005. His dissertation wins the Doctoral Dissertation Award from Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.? Dr. Song also spent two years on his postdoctoral research in National University of Singapore. His current research focuses on the supply chain modeling and optimization, dynamic routing, intelligent transportation system and stochastic network optimization. He has published over 20 articles on top journals such as Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, and Networks, Computers and Operations Research.
Research Areas
1.?Supply Chain Management
2.?Logistics System Design and Analysis
3.?Operations Management
4.?Dynamic Resource Allocation Problem
5.?Dynamic Stochastic Network Optimization
6.?Vehicle Routing, Fleet Management
2005: ?Doctor of Philosophy, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK ? ? ? ?
2000: ?Bachelor, Information and Computing Mathematics, minor: Industrial Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, PRC ? ?
Professional Experiences
2021---: ???? Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, PRC??
2011-2021: ???? Professor, Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University, PRC ?
2008 to 2010: ? ? ?Associate Professor, Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University, PRC
2005 to 2008: ?? ? Assistant Professor, Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University, PRC
Visiting Experiences
Jan. 2011 – Mar. 2011? ? Visiting Scholar, Josai International University, Japan
Aug. 2009 – Dec. 2009? ? Visiting Scholar, Massachusettes Institute of Technology, USA
Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2008?? ?National University of Singapore Research Fellow?
Awards and Honors?
1. 2012 Annual Guangdong Province Youth Culture of Outstanding Ability, 2013
2.?Baosteel ?Education Funds Outstanding Teacher Award, 2012
3.?Outstanding Young teacher Training Plan of Sun Yat-sen University, 2012
4.?1000 Project among Guangdong Provincial Colleges, 2012
5.?Outstanding Teaching Awards, Educational Encouragement Awards, the Board of Trustees, Lingnan (University) College, 2012
6.?Second Prize Paper, The Ninth Chinese Logistics Academic Conference, 2010
7. Doctoral Dissertation Award, Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, USA, 2010
8.?First Class Paper, The 4th Annual Meeting of China Logistics Management Society, PRC, 2005
9.?Best Teaching Assistant Award, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK, 2005
10.?Graduate Scholarship, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK, 2000 to 2005
[19] Haiqing Song, Housheng Duan, SijingDeng, JiayanXu. Brand extension and channel structure: An analysis of the effects of social influence. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science. 2022.
[18] Housheng Duan, Sijing Deng, Haiqing Song, Jiayan Xu, The impacts of sales efforts and mode of payment on the competition between agent and retailer. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science. 2021.
[17] Zhang Simin, Song Haiqing. The Optimization of Omni-channel Supply Chain Based on Latin Hypersquare Sampling[J].?Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2019,39(07):1704-1713
[16] Low-carbon Airline Fleet Assignment: A Compromise Approach,?Journal of Air Transport Management, 68,(2018) 86-102
[15] Simin Zhang, Haiqing Song,Production and Distribution Planning in Danone Waters China Division,Interfaces, Vol. 48, No. 6, November–December 2018, pp. 578–590
[14] Ma Qiuzuo, Li Qin, Song Haiqing. Low-carbon Generation Grid Expansion Strategy: A Case Study from China Southern Power Grid[J].Operations Research and Management Science, 2017,26(02):106-116+134
[13] Ma Qiuzuo, Wang Jian, Song Haiqing. Small-Scaled Low Carbon Multi- Vehicle Routing Problem in Urban Area: An Example from the Regional Picking-Up Network of Zhuhai Express Company[J].?Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2016,30(04):153-159
[12] Ma Qiuzuo, Song Haiqing. Research on the Monopolistic Firm's Optimal Pricing, Carbon Emission Strategies and Governmental Optimal Carbon Taxation in the Context of CDM Mechanism[J].?Operations Research and Management Science,2015,24(06):261-271
[11] Li Xuanyu, Song Haiqing. Research on the Differentiation of CO2 Emission Reduction in China in the Perspective of Spatial Heterogeneity[J].?Asia-pacific Economic Review,2015(01):118-123
[10] LI Huizhu, SONG Haiqing, MENG Duo, A Study on Hub - and - Spoke Network Design for Less - than - Truckload Transportation, JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), Vol ?44, No 2.
[9] H. Song, H. Li, The Capacity Acquisition and Disposal Problem with Carbon Emission Cost, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2011, Tianjin
[8] LI Huizhu,SONG Haiqing, The Realization and Application of Logistics Distribution VRP Based on GIS, Journal of Changchun Normal University(Natural Science), Vol 30, No 2.
[7] H-C Huang, H. Song. Modified Base-stock Policies for Semiconductor Production System with Dependent Yield Rates. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 207, 2010, Pages: 206–217
[6] H. Song. An Optimization Model and Its complexity on Liner Scheduling Problem with Customer Choice, 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, page(s): 775 - 778 , 9-10 Jan. 2010
[5] SONG, H, “Multivariate Design for Mass Customization of Consumer Products,” International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 10?23
[4] HUANG, H, LEE, H, SONG, H and ERIC, B, “SimMan-A simulation model for workforce capacity planning,” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 36, pp. 2490—2497
[3] SONG, H, HSU, V and CHEUNG, R, “Transportation Coordination between Suppliers and Customers with a Consolidation Center,” Operations Research, Vol. 56 No. 5, pp. 1264-1277
[2] SONG, H and HUANG, H, “A Successive Convex Approximation Method for Multistage Workforce Capacity Planning Problem with Turnover,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 188, pp. 29–48
[1] SHI, N, CHEUNG, R and SONG, H, “On Stochastic Programs over Trees with Partially Dependent Arc Capacities,” Networks, Vol. 50, Is. 2, pp. 157-163.
A Study on The Dynamic Network Flow Problems, VDM Verlag Publishing, ISBN 978-3-639-20194-9
Conferences and Presentations
? A Dynamic Stochastic Network Model for Asset Allocation Problem, International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, Vol. 2, 2009, pp. 597 – 601
? A Shipping Route Designing and Price-setting Problem for Forwarders, The First POMS-HK International Conference, 2009
? Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Problem in Drayage Operation, International Conference of Production and Operation Management, 2008
? SONG, H and CHEN, G, “Minimum Cost Delivery Problem in Intermodal Transportation Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2-5, 2007, Singapore.
? SONG, H and HUANG, H, “Dynamic Stochastic Programming for Asset Allocation,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec. 2-5, 2007, Singapore.
? SONG, H, “Activity Modes Selection in Project Management,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, vol. 1-3: 2086-2091 Lille, France, October 6-7, 2006.
? HEI, X and SONG, H, “Stochastic relay routing in peer-to-peer networks,” Proceedings of 41th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006), Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June 2006.
? SONG, H, “Dynamic Ordering Policy for a Variation of the Newsvendor Problem,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Inchon, South Korea,July 20-22, 2005.
? ZHANG, H and SONG, H, “Information Sharing in a Supply Chain with Consolidation Center,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Inchon, South Korea,July 20-22, 2005.
? MO, D, CHEUNG, K, SONG, H and CHEUNG, R, “Routing strategies in large-scale automatic storage and retrieval systems,” IERC 2005 Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, US, May 14-18, 2005.
Current Research?? ?
- Green Supply Chain
- Research on Supply Network Optimization under the Background of Omni-Channel Retailing
Research Grants
National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Research on Supply Network Optimization under the Background of Omni-Channel Retailing”, Grant No.71771222,.
Operations Management
Supply Chain Management
Advanced Operations Research
Quantitative Methods in Management Science