Xin Yu


±Ê³ó´Ç²Ô±ð£º0086-(20) 8411-5578


°¿´Ú´Ú¾±³¦±ð£ºSchool of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 135# XingangXi Road, Guangzhou, China (510275)

Research Areas£ºCorporate Finance and Corporate Governance

Yu Xin Holds a PhD in Finance from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is currently professor of accounting at Sun Yat-sen Business School. He delivers International Finance, International Financial Management, Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance courses to undergraduate, graduate, MBA, and MPAcc students. His research interests focus on capital market accounting and finance research and corporate governance research. His papers have appeared in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, China Journal of Accounting Research, China Accounting and Finance Review, Economic Research Journal (Chinese), Management World (Chinese), etc. He has served as an ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Corporate Finance, Economic Research Journal (Chinese), Nankai Business Review (Chinese), etc. His research papers have got various awards from Ministry of Education, Guangdong Province, and academic conferences. He has been named as Accounting Master and Zhujiang Scholar Distinguished Professor.