Xie Kang
Research Areas:Information Economics, Enterprise Informatization, E-Commerce Engineering, Human Resource Management, Enterprise Motivation and Performance Management
Ph.D., Business Management, 1999 --Remin University of China, Peking, China
07/2001-present, ? ?Professor of Management Science, Sun Yat-sen University
03/1995-06/2001 ? ?Tenured Associate Professor of International Business, Sun Yat-sen University
02/1989-02/1995 ? ?Assistant Professor of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University
07/1986-01/1989 ? ?Assistant of History, Sun Yat-sen University
The President of China Information Economics Society (2014-present)
Member of China Education Department E-commerce Bachelor Teaching Committee (2006-present)
Senior Consultant of China Ministry of Commerce in E-Commerce (2005-present)
Executive Member of China association for Information Systems (CNAIS)
Key Project of National Social Science Foundation of China: Food and Drug Safety Social Co-governance and Institution Arrangement , 2014.7-2016.12, Chief Professor.( 14ZDA074 )
1. The Second Prize of Academic Outstanding Research Award, 2015 (By China Education Ministry)
2. The Second Prize of Guangdong Social Science Academic Outstanding Research Award, 2015 (By Guangdong Education Ministry)
3. The Second Place of China Business Management Master Education Committee “ China Best 100 Case Study”,2015
4. The Chief Editor of Information Economic of China Encyclopedia, 2015
ACADAMIC JOURNAL (2011-present, the “*” means Corresponding Author)
1. Kang Xie, Yao Wu, Jinghua Xiao* and Qing Hu. Value Co-creation between Firms and Customers: Big Data-based Cooperative Assets. Information & Management,Forthcoming.(SCI&SSCI IF 1.865)
2. Kang Xie, Jintian Lai, Jinghua Xiao. Food safety, regulation bounding and institution arrangement, Economic Research, 2016. no.4, pp.174-187.
3. Jinghua Xiao, Yunshi Mao, Kang Xie. Transformation of Chinese Manufacturing Industry: Insight from Intelligent Manufacturing System Based on Internet and Big Data, Review of Industrial Economics, 2016, no.2, pp.5-16
4. Kang Xie, Yao Wu, Jinghua Xiao, Xuehua Liao, Strategy risk management in the organization transformation: based on the multiple case of Internet, Management World, 2016, no.2, pp.133-148.
5. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Jiapei Wu, Xianbo Zhou.The Adjustment of industrialization and information in China, Innovation, 2016, no.1, pp.92-105
6. Yong Hua, Kang Liu, Xiangzhou Zhang, Kang Xie*, Weiqi Chen, YuranZeng , Mei Liu*. Concept Drift Mining of Portfolio Selection Factors in Stock Market. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2015,14(6): 444-455.(SCI&SSCI, IF1.304)
7. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Nankun Yang, Yaping Liu. Social signal and value recreation: food safety social co-governance and institutional arrangement, Economic Perspectives, 2016, no.10, pp.4-16.
8. Jiasen Ran, Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Information Technology balance the contract governance and relationship governance: based on D company supply chain case study, 2015, no.3, pp.458-468
9. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*, Yao Wu, Xuehua Liao. From partnership to consumer in Supply chain transformation: E-commerce case study. Management World, 2015, no.4, pp.137-154.
10. Kang Xie, Jintian Lai, Jinghua Xiao. Food safety co-governance in supply chain management and institutional arrangement. Management Review, 2015, no.2, pp.158-167.
11. Jinghua Xiao, Hongchang Wang, Kang Xie, Hang Chen. Information sharing and the value creation in Supply chain management, System Engineering Theory and Practice, 2014, no.11, pp.2862-2871.
12. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*, Yao Wu, Jiasen Ran. Enterprise and Consumers co-evolutional dynamic capacity:B2C E-commerce case study, Management World, 2014, no.8, pp.134-151
13. Yanlin Zhang, Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie. Review of information System and Business matching. Management Review, 2014, no.4, pp.154-165
14. Xiangzhou Zhang, Yong Hu, Kang Xie, Weiguo Zhang, Lijun Su, Mei Liu, An Evolutionary Trend Reversion Model for Stock Trading Rule Discovery, Knowledge-Based Systems. 2015,79:27-35.(SCI,IF 3.058,ISI JCR Q1)
15. Xiangzhou Zhang, Yong Hu, Kang Xie,Shouyang Wang, E.W.T. Ngai, Mei Liu. A causal feature selection algorithm for stock prediction modeling. Neuro-computing. 2014,142:48-59, 2014. (SCI,IF 2.005,ISI JCR Q2)
16. Yong Hu*, Xiangzhou Zhang, Bin Feng, Kang Xie, Mei Liu. iTrade: a mobile data-driven stock trading system with concept drift adaptation. International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining. 2015, 11(1):66-83. (SCI,IF 1.355,ISI JCR Q3)
17. Manhui Huang, Jinghua Xiao and Kang Xie,Emotion, Discretionary Behavior, and IT Effectiveness.International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 2014, 9(5):307-316.(EI)
18. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie, Hongyan Yu. The mechanism of food safety and drug safety in supply chain management, Review of Industrial Economics, 2014, no.3, pp.5-16
19. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao. E-commerce trust: from the perspective of IT and institutional governance. Economic Survey, 2014, no.3, pp.60-66.
20. Yanlin Zhang, Jinghua Xiao*, Li Li, Kang Xie. The successful history, CEO willingness and previous matching: the case study of China social life. Journal of Management Science, 2014, no.2, pp. 1-18.
21. Yanlin Zhang, Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie. The advantage of IS: the co-evolution of IS capability and IS business. Journal of Management Case Studies. 2014, no.1, pp. 70-85.
22. Kang Xie. Chinese food safety governance: food supply chain multiple actor perspective. Review of Industrial Economics, 2014, no.1, pp. 18-26
23. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*, Qing Hu. Inter-firm IT Governance in Power-imbalanced Buyer–supplier Dyads: Exploring How It Works and Why It Lasts. European Journal of Information Systems. 2013, 22(5): 512-528.(SCI/SSCI, IF1.558)
24. Zhaolin Cheng, Jinghua Xiao*, Kang Xie and Huang, X. Optimal Product Quality of Supply Chain Based on Information Trace-ability in Fashion and Textiles Industry: an Adverse Logistics Perspective. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2013, Mar: 1-13.(SCI, IF1.383)
25. Hongchang Wang, Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie, Jiapei Wu. Food safety governance: based on the IT and Institutional arrangement. China Industrial Economics, 2013, no.3, pp. 98-110.
26. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*, Jiasen Ran. How to plan IT strategy in the situation of non IT knowledge: an action research. Management World, 2013, no.6, pp. 138-152
27. Yanlin Zhang, Jiasen Ran, Jinghua Xiao*, Kang Xie, The alignment of IT and Business strategy. Management Review, 2013, no.11, pp. 1702-1709
28. Kang Xie. The new trend of information and industrialization. People's Daily, 2013. Jan 9
29. Yong Hu, Xizhu Mo, Xiangzhou Zhang, YuranZeng, Jianfeng Du, Kang Xie. Intelligent Analysis Model for Outsourced Software Project Risk Using Constraint-based Bayesian Network. Journal of Software, 2012, 7(2):440-449.(EI)
30. Zhaolin Cheng, Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*. The strategy of supply chain information systems quality. The Journal of Information Systems. 2012, no.10, pp. 23-31.
31. Manhui Huang, Kang Xie. IT capability in the enterprise, Management Review, 2012, no.5, pp. 692-698.
32. Jinghua Xiao, Hongchang Wang, Xiaoli Huang and Kang Xie*. Resource-based modelling of B2B information systems’ effect on achieving supply chain ambidexterity: a focus on dynamic heterogeneity. Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2012,11(3/4):345-362.(EI)
33. Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie, Yanlin Zhang. The rule of IT and business alignment, Management Review, 2012, no.2, pp. 122-130
34. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Zhou Xianbo, WU jiapei, China information and industrialization quality: theory and practice. Economic Research, 2012, no.1, pp. 4-16
35. Kang Xie, Understanding the China information and industrialization quality from the perspective of couple. China Information. 2011, no.12, pp. 6-8
36. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Hongchang Wang, E-commerce game theory and resource analysis. Economic Survey. 2011, no.5, pp. 101-107
37. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, China information and industrialization quality: a theory model. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University. 2011, no.4, pp. 210-216
38. Jinghua Xiao, Xiaowei Wan, Kang Xie, The empirical analysis of human Resource management, Management Review, 2011, no.8, pp. 143-151
39. Yanlin Zhang, Jinghua Xiao, Li Li, Kang Xie. The simulation of IT social networking in IT and Business alignment. systems engineering. 2011, no.6, pp. 78-85
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (2011-present, the “*” means Corresponding Author)
40. Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao*, Yao Wu, Qing Hu, E-commerce: Channel or Strategy? Insights from a Comparative Case Study.Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland 2014.12.
41. Kang Xie*, Hongchang Wang, Jinghua Xiao. The Value of IT-Institution Alignment: a Managerial Perspective of IT-Business Alignment. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 15-18, 2013, Milan, Italy.
42. Qing Hu, Jinghua Xiao and Kang Xie*. The role of Guanxi in Information Technology Enabled Organizations: A Structuration Theory Perspective. PACIS, Korea,2013.7.
43. Yong Hu,Bin Feng,Xiangzhou Zhang,Kang Liu,Kang Xie,Mei Liu*. iTrade: an adaptive risk-adjusted intelligent stock trading system from the perspective of concept drift. Fourth International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2013), 160-167, 2013. (EI索引)
44. Yong Hu, Bin Feng, XiangZhou Zhang, XinYingQiu, Risong Li, Kang Xie. A prediction model for stock market: a comparison of the world’s top investors with data mining method. Twelfth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business (WHICEB2013), 2013. (EI索引)
45. Hongchang Wang, Jinghua Xiao, Kang Xie*. Inter-firm System Governance: the Impact of Trust and Ease of Use on Post-adoption Usage. Proceedings of the 23th annual POM conference, April 20-23, 2012, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
46. Jinghua Xiao, Zhaolin Cheng, Caiwen Zhang, Kang Xie*. Effects of Information Transparency on Supply Chain Quality Management. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec, 2012, Hongkong.
47. Jinghua Xiao, Hongchang Wang, Zhaolin Cheng, Kang Xie* and Qing Hu, Why is Web-Based Supply Chain Management Popular in China? A Factor Endowment’s Perspective. Thirty Second International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai 2011.12.
48. Wang Hongchang, Xiao Jinghua, Lai Jintian, Xie Kang.2011. Supply Chain SAAS Mode: Matching Efficiency with Agility. 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering 18th Annual Conference Proceedings (Volume I), IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1886-1; ISSN: 2155-1847. pp. 208-214. 2011. EI.
TEACHING (2011-present)
E-Commerce Strategy and Management (undergraduate, 2015-present)
E-Commerce Enterprise Leaders Lecture (undergraduate, 2014-present)
Economics of Information (undergraduate, 2011-present)
Economics of E-Commerce (undergraduate, 2011-present)
Informational Strategy and Management of Enterprise (graduate, 2011-present)
Research Method of Management Science (graduate, 2011-present )
Human Research Management for Leaders (EMBA, 2011-present )
Advanced Management Information Systems (PH.D, 2011-present )
Economics of E-Commerce and Economics of Information (PH.D, 2011-present )