WU Doris Chenguang
Research Areas:Big data analytics and forecasting; Tourism forecasting and impact analysis; Smart medical management
Brief Introduction
Doris Chenguang Wu is professor?in the?School of Business at the Sun Yat-sen University, China. Her research interests include big data analytics and forecasting, tourism forecasting and impact analysis, and smart medical management. She obtained her bachelor and master degrees in economics from School of Statistics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics in China, and PhD degree in tourism management from School of Hotel and Tourism School at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2010.
She is the chair of Tourism and Hospitality Section (THS) of International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), board director of International Institute of Forecasters (IIF), and Outstanding Young Scholar of International Association for China Tourism Studies (IACTS). She serves as editorial board member for the journals of Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Economics, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of China Tourism Research, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights.
She has co-edited a special issue on “Tourism forecasting – New trends and issues” for Tourism Economics in 2019, and a special issue on “Big data analytics and forecasting in hospitality and tourism” for International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management in 2021. In addition, she has been involved in a number of research grants and consultation projects in the areas of tourism forecasting and tourism economics funded by the governments in China.
Dr Wu supervises PhD and master students and postgraduate fellows.
Contact information: wucheng@mail.sysu.edu.cn
Research Areas
Tourism demand forecasting; Tourism impact analysis; Smart medical management
Educational Background
PhD? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China,? 2010
MSc?????? ?????? Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China, 2005
BA??????????????? Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian, China, 2002
Professional Experiences
2020-present? ? ? ?Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China
2014-2020??? ?????? Associate Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China
2017-2018? ? ? ? ? ?Visiting Scholar, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, UK
2010-2014??? ?????? Assistant Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China
- Wu, D. C., Li, G., & Song, H. (2023). (Eds.) Econometric Modelling and Forecasting of Tourism Demand: Methods and Applications. London, UK: Routledge
Journal articles
- Wu, D. C., Zhong, S., Song, H., & Wu*, J. (2024). Do topic and sentiment matter? Predictive power of online reviews for hotel demand forecasting. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 120, 103750.
- Zhang*, X., Cheng, M., & Wu, D. C. (2024). Daily tourism demand forecasting and?tourists’ search behavior analysis: A?deep learning approach. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics.
- Wu, D. C., Cao, C., Wu, J., & Hu*, M. (2024). Wine tourism experiences of Chinese tourists: A tourist-centric perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Hu, M., Yang, H., Wu*, D. C., & Ma, S. (2024). A novel two-stage combination model for tourism demand forecasting. Tourism Economics?0?0:0
- Wu, D. C., Zhong, S., Wu*, J., & Song, H. (2024). Tourism and hospitality forecasting with big data: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research ?1–20
- Wu, D. C., Zhao, X., & Wu*, J. (2023). Online physician-patient interaction and patient satisfaction: Empirical study of the internet hospital service. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e39089
- Liu, H., Yang, P., Song, H., & Wu*, D. C. (2023). Global and domestic economic policy uncertainties and tourism stock market: Evidence from China. Tourism Economics
- 宋海岩,吴晨光*. (2022). 新一轮科技革命与旅游需求分析和预测创新:理论探讨与实践前沿[J]. 旅游学刊,37(10),1-3
- Wu, D. C., Cao, C., Liu, W., & Chen*, J. L. (2022). Impact of domestic tourism on economy under COVID-19: The perspective of tourism satellite accounts. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 3(2), 100055.
? - Wu, D. C., Zhong, S., Qiu, R. T. R., & Wu*, J. (2022). Are customer reviews just reviews? Hotel forecasting using sentiment analysis. Tourism Economics, 28(3),?795-816.
- Song, H. & Wu*, D. C. (2022). A critique of tourism-led economic growth studies. Journal of Travel Research, 61(4), 719-729.
- 吴晨光.(2021).基于大数据的旅游预测与决策[J]. 旅游论坛, 14(3):19-22.
- Wu, D. C., Wu*, J., & Song, H. (2021). Guest editorial: Big data analytics and forecasting in hospitality and tourism. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(6), 1917-1921.
- Qiu*, R.T.R., Wu*, D. C., Dropsy, V., Sylvain, P., Pratt, S., & Ohe, Y. (2021). Visitor arrival forecast amid Covid-19: A perspective from the Asia and Pacific team. Annals of Tourism Research, 88, 103155.
- Hu, M., Qiu, R. T. R., Wu*, D. C., & Song, H. (2021). Hierarchical pattern recognition for tourism demand forecasting. Tourism Management, 84, 104263.
- Wu, D. C., Cao, Z., Wen, L., &Song, H. (2021). Scenario forecasting for global tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 45(1), 28-51.
- Liu, A., & Wu*, D. C. (2019). Tourism productivity and economic growth. Annals of Tourism Research, 76, 253-265.
- Li, G., Wu*, D. C., Zhou, M., & Liu, A. (2019). The combination of interval forecasts in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 363-378.
- Li, G. &Wu*, D. C. (2019). Introduction to the special focus: Tourism forecasting – New trends and issue, Tourism Economics, 25(3), 305-308.
- Chen, J. L., Li, G., Wu*, D. C., & Shen, S. (2019). Forecasting seasonal tourism demand using a multiseries structural time series method, Journal of Travel Research, 58(1), 92-103.
- Wu, D. C., Liu, J., Song, H., Liu, A., & Fu, H. (2019). Developing a Web-based regional tourism satellite account (TSA) information system, Tourism Economics, 25(1), 67-84.
- Wu, D. C., Fu, H., & Kang, M. (2018). Why volunteer teaching tourism? Empirical evidence from China, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(2):109-120.
- Wu, D. C., Song, H., & Shen, S. (2017). , International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 507-529.
- 吴晨光,刘静艳. 旅游卫星账户的时空观——基于广东省旅游卫星账户数据信息系统建设的研究和再思考[J]. 旅游学刊, 2016, 31(3): 6-7.
- Fu, H., Wu*, D. C., Huang, S.S., Song, H., Gong, J. (2015). Monetary or nonmonetary compensation for service failure? A study of customer preferences under various loci of causality. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 46, 55-64.
- 傅慧,吴晨光,段艳红. “货币补偿”总是最优策略吗?——高星级酒店不同服务失误归因下的情境研究[J]. 旅游学刊, 2014, 29(1): 101-110.
- 颜麒,吴晨光,叶浩彬. (2013) 离岛免税政策对海南省旅游需求影响效应实证研究[J]. 旅游学刊, 2013, 28(10): 47-51.
- Li, G., Song, H., Cao Z., & Wu*, D. C. (2013). How competitive is Hong Kong against its competitors? An econometric study. Tourism Management. 36(1), 247-256.
- Li, G., Song, H., Chen, J., & Wu, D. C. (2012). Comparing mainland Chinese tourists’ satisfaction with Hong Kong and the UK using tourist satisfaction index. Journal of China Tourism Research, 8(4), 373-394.
- Pan, B., Wu*, D. C., & Song, H. (2012). Forecasting hotel room demand using search engine data. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 3(3), 196-210.
- Wu, D. C., Li, G., & Song, H. (2012). Economic analysis of tourism consumption dynamics: A time-varying parameter demand system approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2), 667-685.
- Page, S. J., Song, H., &Wu*, D. C. (2012). Assessing the impacts of the economic crisis and swine flu on inbound tourism demand in the UK. Journal of Travel Research, 51(2), 142-153.
- Wu, D. C., Li, G., & Song, H. (2011). Analysing tourism consumption: A dynamic system of equations approach. Journal of Travel Research, 50(1), 46-56.
- Athanasopoulos, G., Hyndman, R. J., Song, H., &Wu, D. C. (2011).The tourism forecasting competition. International Journal of Forecasting. 27(3), 822–844.
- Song, H., Witt, S. F., Wong, K. K. F., &Wu, D. C. (2009). An empirical study of tourism demand forecast combination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 33, 3-29.
- Wong, K. K. F., Song, H., Witt, S. F., &Wu, D. C. (2007). Tourism forecasting: To combine or not to combine? Tourism Management, 28, 1068-1078.
Research Grants as?PI
- 2024-2027 National Natural Science Foundation of China (72374226). Project title: Big data analytics, demand system models and tourism regional synergy in the Greater Bay Area. (RMB 410 thousand) (PI)
- 2019-2023?Guangdong Natural Science Foundation for?Distinguished?Young?Scholar (2020B1515020031). Project title: Interval combination forecasting of tourism demand: Methods and applications. (RMB 1000 thousand) (PI)
- 2016-2019?National Natural Science Foundation of China (71573289). Project title: The combination of forward-looking, backward-looking and expert judgment: A new framework and empirical study of tourism demand modeling and forecasting (RMB 576 thousand) (PI)
- 2012-2014?National Natural Science Foundation of China for Young Professionals (71103206). Project title: Nonlinear modeling for the relationship between tourism development and economic growth in China (RMB 190 thousand) (PI)
- 2013-2015?Sun Yat-sen University’s Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China. An econometric analysis on mainland Chinese demand for Hong Kong tourism. 2013.1-2015.12. (75 thousand) (PI)
- 2012-2013?China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Tourism demand and economic growth: A nonlinear modelling perspective (50 thousand) (PI)
- 2013-2014?Guangdong Tourism Administration. TSA Information System: Construction and Application (1.98 million) (PI)
- 2012-2013?Guangdong Tourism Administration. TSA Information System: Framework and Construction (1.58 million) (PI)
- 2011-2012?Guangdong Tourism Administration. Guangdong Tourism Satellite Accounts: Theory and Practice. (2.2 million) (PI)
Undergraduate level: Introduction to econometrics, Tourism big data forecasting and decision, Market research methods, Business statistics, Tourism innovation and leadership
PhD/MPhil level: Contemporary topics in tourism research; Tourism and health manamgent
EMBA/MBA level: Data, model and decision; Quantitative Methods; Thesis writting
Academic Services and Achievement
- 2020-present?Chair, Tourism and Hospitality Section (THS), International Institute of Forecasters (IIF)
- 2020-present?Board director, International Institute of Forecasters (IIF)
- 2020-present?Outstanding Young Scholar, International Association for China Tourism Studies?(IACTS)
- Editorial board member:?Journal of Travel Research(2018-), Tourism Economics (2018-), Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (2021-), Journal of China Tourism Research (2021-), Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights(2021.7-)
- Guest editor:?“Tourism Forecasting: New Trends and Issues” of Tourism Economics
- Guest editor:?“Big data analytics and forecasting in hospitality and tourism” of International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management