Wang Yongli
Research Areas£ºManagement Psychology, Recruitment and Selection, Stress Management and Emotion Management
2004, July PhD in Applied Psychology?
Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
1994, July Master in General Psychology?
Hebei Teachers University, China?
1989, July Bachelor in Educational Psychology
Zhejiang University, China
12/2010-present?????????Professor Business School, Sun Yat-Sen University China(Deputy Director, Office of Curriculum and Degree Affairs)
09/2004-12/2010 ???????Associate Professor School of Business, Sun Yat-Sen University China
08/1989-06/2001 ???????Assistant Professor Hebei Teachers University, China?
Best Student Convention Paper Academy of Management Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia, USA,2007 Wendong Li, Yongli Wang, Paul Taylor, Kan Shi, The influence of Organizational Culture on Work-Related Personality Requirement Ratings:A multilevel analysis?
Human resource Management?
Organizational Behavior
Positive Psychology
Social Psychology
PUBLICATIONS (only English)?
1.Tan?Ling, Wang?Yongli(*), & Lu?Hailing. Why so humorous? The roles of traditionality and gender (Dis) Similarity in leader humor behavior and employee job performance.?Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 2021, 28(1): 91-98
2.Rouzi?Abudoukadierjiang, & Wang?Yongli.?Feeling trusted and taking-charge behaviour: An internal branding perspective based on self-categorization theory.?International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2021,?94:?102831
3.Yang?Yang, Wang?Yongli(*), Lu?Hailing, & Tan?Ling.?Too Insecure to Be a Leader: The Role of Attachment in Leadership Emergence.?Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11:?571401
4.Tan?Ling, Wang?Yongli(*), Qian?Wenjing, & Lu?Hailing. ?Leader humor and employee job crafting: the role of employee-perceived organizational support and work engagement.?Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11: 499849
5.Tang Y, Huang X, Wang Y(*). Good marriage at home, creativity at work: Family¨Cwork enrichment effect on workplace creativity[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2017.(corresponding author)
6.Van de Vliert Evert, Yang Huadong, Wang Yongli, Ren Xiao-peng, Climato-Economic Imprints on Chinese Collectivism£¬Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology£¬2013£¬44£¨4£©£º589~605
7.Wendong Li, Yongli Wang, Paul Taylor, Kan Shi, Dan He?The influence of Organizational Culture on Work-Related Personality Requirement Ratings:A multilevel analysis ?International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2008,?Vol(16) NO 4 365-386
8.Evert Van De Vliert, Kan Shi, Karin Sanders ,Yongli Wang ,Xu Huang ?Chinese and Dutch Interpretations of Supervisory Feedback ?Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology£¬2004£¬35£¨4£©403-416
PUBLICATIONS (only Chinese)?????
1.Wang Yongli, Lu Hailing, Tan Ling, Yang Yang,?The Effects of Supervisors¡¯Work Overload on Subordinates¡¯Job Self-efficacy and Work-Family Enrichment: The Moderating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange,?Forecasting,?2019,?38(3): 9-15
2.Wang Yongli, Lu Hailing,?Job Embeddedness,?Work-Family Balance and Family Relationship: Based on the Employees and Their Spouses Paired Perspective,?Management Review, 2018,?30(11):?130-140
3.Wang Yongli,??Zhang Siqi. The Study of Work-Family Border Permeation¡¯s Effects on Work?Family Balance, Human Resources Development of China, 2016, (21): 16~24
4.Lin Xueying, Wang Yongli, Hao Yujie, Li Huijing. The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Work-Family Balance: The Mediating Role of Work Flexibility-ability and Moderating Role of Work Flexibility-willingness, Management review, 2016, 28(02): 138~148
5.Hao Yujie, Wang Yongli, Lu Hailing. The Review and Discussion on Actuality of Implementation of Family Friendly Policy, Human Resources Development of China, 2016, (23): 41~49
6.Wang Yongli, Hao Yujie, Zhang Zhiyu. The Research on Mechanism of Boundary Management Styleon Family Friendly Policies, China Management Studies, 2015, 10(2): 58~82
7.Guo Jing, Zhou Xiaohua, Zhang Jinqiao, Wang Yongli, Lin Guowen. The Application of Job Demand-Control Model on Migrant Workers in China: Boundary Conditions and Research Reflection, Nankai Business Review, 2015, 18(06): 26~34
8.Lin Xiaomin, Lin Lin, Wang Yongli, Bai Xinwen. Empowering Leadership and Team Performance: The Transactive Memory System as a Medium Variable, 2014, 26(01): 78~87
9.Wang Yongli, Zhang Yuling, Zhang Zhiyu, He Ying. Divergent Effects of Destructive Leadership on Organizational Commitment: The Moderating Effects of Employees¡¯ Cultural Values, 2013,25(11): 95~105
10.Wang Yongli, Huang Luhong, Liu Yan. A Study of the Impact of Role Salience on the Work-family Conflict Model, Soft Science, 2013, 27(12): 23~26
11.Wang Yongli, ?Zheng Wanyu, He Ying. A Study on Boundary Spanning of Labor Union Management World 2012,10.130-145
12.Wang Yongli,??Zhang Zhiyu, He Ying. The Research on the Effects of Work-Family Support on Employees' Creativity, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2012.44(12): 1651-1662
13.Evert Van de Vliert,Huadong Yang,Yongli Wang and Xiaopeng Ren Climato-Economic Imprints on Chinese Collectivism Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2013 44(4) 589¨C605
Yongli Wang, Juan Guo (2008) The Impact of Work Family Conflict on Job ??Burnout and Turnover Intention among Chinese Superior Seafarers The 3th Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) June 16-19 Guangzhou
National Natural Science Foundation of China, The Study on the Content of Family Friendly Policy in China and Its Effects (No 71772184) 2018-2021
National Natural Science Foundation of China, The Study on the Content of Family Friendly Policy in China and Its Effects (No 71372145) 2014-2017
National Natural Science Foundation of China .The Study on the Structure connotation?and mechanism?of Work-Family Balance (No 71072088) 2011-2013