Sun Haifa
Research Areas:Corporate Group Management, Senior Leadership Team Management, Strategic Human Resource Management
PhD ??????????Psychology ,Chinese University of Hong Kong (July, 1997)
Master ??????Psychology,Ph East China Normal University (June 1989)
06/2004- present????Professor of OB and HRM, Sun Yat-Sen University
09/2004-08/2008????Chairman, Management Department, Sun Yat-Sen University
10/2000-06/2004????Associate Professor of OB and HRM, Sun Yat-Sen University
07/1999-12/2000????Associate Professor of Psychology, South China Normal University
Ph.D in Hong Kong
2004-2005 Fulbrighter in US
Scholarly Books
1. Haifa Sun, Chao Chuan Chen, Shi He ?Zhang (2008), Strategic Leadership of Sunzi in the Art of War. In ?Leadership and Management in China, Cambridge University Press,, UK.
2. ?Sun, H. F. and Bond, M. H. (2000). Choice of influence tactics: Effects ?of the target person’s behavioral patterns, status and the personality ?influence. In Li, J.T., Tusk, A. S. & Weldon. E. (Ed), Management ?and Organizations in the Chinese Context, pp283-302. pp283-302. London: ?MacMillan Press
3. Sun, H. F. & Bond, M. H (1999). The structure ?of upward and downward tactics of influence in Chinese organizations. In ?Lasry, J. C., Adair, J. & Dion, K. (Ed), Latest contribution to ?cross-cultural psychology, pp286-299. Amsterdam: Swets and Zeitlinger.
4. ?Sun, H. F. (1998). The choice of influence tactics in Chinese ?organizations: The effect of interactants’ personality and status. UMI, ?Dissertation Services,P1-P203,UMI No. 9826938. Ann Arbor, MI: A Bell ?& Howell Information Company.
In Chinese
1. Sun Haifa (2010). Performance Management. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
2. Sun Haifa (2010). Human Resources Management. Sun Yat-Sen University Publishing.
3. Sun Haifa (2002). Leadership and Team Management, Sun Yat-Sen University Publishing.
4. Chen Weizhen, Zhang Lihua, Sun Haifa(2008). Collection of Chinese MBA Dissemination,Press of Dalian University of. Science and Technology.
1. Tjosvold, D, Sun,H.F.??2010. Using power to affect performance in China: Effects of employee??achievement and social context. International Journal of Conflict??Management. Vol. 21 Iss: 4, pp.364 – 381.
2. Yao, Z. H., Sun H. F. 2010. The Research of Compositional Traits and Behavioral Integration of Top Management Team. Nankai Business Review, Vol. 13 Iss. 3., pp 15-22. (in Chinese)
1. Yao, Z. H., Sun H. F. 2009. The Construction and Measurement of Top Management Team Behavioral Integration. Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 218 Iss. 12., pp 28-36. (in Chinese)
2.??XU Wanli, QIAN Xihong; SUN Haifa. 2009. Dynamic Capabilities, Micro??Promotional Administrators and the Upgrading of Organizational??Capabilities. Economic Management Journal, Vol. Iss.03. pp167-172. (in??Chinese)
1.??SUN Haifa; LIU Haishan; YAO Zhenhua. 2008. A Comparative Analysis of??Biographic Characteristics and Management Process of TMTs across??Government,State-owned and Private Companies. Journal of Sun Yatsen??University(Social Science Edition) , Vol. 48. Iss. 1. pp 169-208.
2.??Liu Haishan, Sun Haifa, 2008. The effect of personality of CEO on the??composition and operation of TMT in private companies. Journal of??enterprise economy. Vol. 333, Iss. 5. pp 85-90..
3. XU Wanli; SUN Haifa; WANG Zhiwei; QIAN Xihong,2008.??Dimension Structure and Measurement on Strategy Execution of Chinese??Enterprises. China Industrial Economics, Vol. 247,Iss10, pp97-108.
4.??Zhang Hui, Sun Haifa, 2008. A new research framework for team??innovation with the perspective of knowledge management. Modern??Management Science. Pp 91-93.
5.??Huang Xunjing, Sun Haifa, 2008. The reason and intervention measures of??expatriates’ loneliness. Journal of Human Resource Development in??China. Iss 8, pp 31-33.
1.??Sun H. F., Liu, Haishan.2007. The Effect of TMT Value and Team??Atmosphere on Conflict. Journal of Business Economics, Vol. 194 Iss.??12., pp32-38. (in Chinese)
2.??Huang, Xunjing, Sun Haifa, 2007. The compensation of expatriates in??Chinese multinational companies. Journal of Human Resources Development??in China,Vol 07,Iss.6, pp 54-58.
1. Tjosvold, D, Sun,H.F.??2006.. Effects of power concepts and employee performance on managers' empowering. Leadership & Organization Development Journal Vol. 27??Iss: 3, 217-234.
2. Tjosvold, D. Johnson, D. Johnson, R. T.; Sun H.??F. 2006 .Competitive Motives and Strategies: Understanding Constructive??Competition.
Group Dynamics, Vol. 10 Iss. 2, p87-99.
3. Sun, H.??F., Yao, Z. H., Yan, M. S. 2006, The Effect of Demographic Traits of TMT??on Performance of Textile and IT Corporations, Nankai Business Review,??Vol. 9, Iss. 6., pp 61-67. (in Chinese)
RANK AND AWARDS (partial list)
Rank #2 – Best Paper of Zhuhai Social Science Research (2009)
Rank #2– Best Paper of Guangdong Human Resource and Social Security Research (2009)
Emerald Literati Network, Highly Commended Award(2007)
Rank #3 – Highly Commended Award, Bureau of Human Resource and Social Security of Chinese Central Government (2004)
Excellence Grade of teaching and research in 2002,2003 and 2005
Research Funding (partial list)
Natural Science Research Grant, 2003, 2009
National Social Science Research Grant, 2009
Ad Hoc Reviewer (Partial List)
Journal of Management
Nankai Management Review
Journal of Management Science
Journal of Business Economics
Panel Speaker and Session Chairs (major conferences and multiple times)
Academy of Management in China
Study of OB and Entrepreneur of Education Bureau of China
International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Keynote/Guest Speeches (partial list)
Development of Human Resource management in China(05/2009,UK Association of HRM,City University of Manchester)
Chinese Strategic Leadership (5/2005, State University of California, LA)
TEACHING (since 2006)
International Human Resource Management (undergraduate)
Frontier of Top Management Team (Ph D Student)
Frontier of OB and HRM Research (Ph D Student)
School Research Funding Committee for Junior Scholars, 2009
Department Associate Chair, 2002-2004
Department Chair, 2004-2008
Supervisor for PhD Project of OB and HRM in Sun Yat-Sen University
Dissertation Reviewer for the following schools:
Zhejiang University
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Wuhan University
South China University of Science and Technology
Sichuan University
Hunan University