Ren Rongwei
Research Areas£ºtrategy£¬Innovation And Entrepreneurship Management
PhD Nanjing University (January, 2010), Nanjing
Business Administration (Strategy Management)
MBA Nanjing University (June 1997)
06/2015-present????Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University
12/2005-10/2010???Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship,Sun Yat-sen University
07/2003-12/2005???Lecture, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University
07/2001-07/2003????Investment Majordomo £¬China Asia Holding Investment Ltd£¨Shenzhen£©
07/1987-08/1994 ???operative management£¬Shanxi Electric Company
10/2010-10/2011 ???visiting scholarship in the department of international development, Oxford University,UK.
Scholarly Books
1.Rongwei Ren (2008) Entrepreneurship, competition, cooperation and innovation: a study on the development of the cluster of the hardware industry in Yangjiang region, Guangdong People¡¯s Press, P.R.China.
2.Rongwei Ren (2005). The Handbook of Global Management Challenge, Guangdong People¡¯s Press, P.R.China.
3.Rongwei Ren (2002). Strategy of venture investment, Fudan University Press, P.R.China.
Edited and Translated Book
1.Rongwei Ren, 2003,2005,2009. The Fundamental of Management (S. Robbins). The Chinese volume was published by University of East Finance Press, Dalian.
2.Rongwei Ren (2000). Management£¨Chief Editor£ºZhou Sanduo£©, in charge £ºChapter 4,5,6£¬High School Press, P.R.China.
1.Ren Rongwei and Yunxia Zhu. Are there any Gender-compensation Differences among High-level Executives in the United States? The Academy of Management Perspective, 40(12), pp.1369-1397, 2010.
2.Ren Rongwei and Joan Zhang.An Empirical Study of Resources, Dynamic Capabilities and Performance of Village firms in Clusters of China-- with Panel Data of Yang-jiang Cutlery Industrial Cluster. , Journal of China Economics and Management Study, Vol. 10 pp.1-7, 2010.
3.Ren Rongwei£¬Yunxia Zhu £¬Joan Zhang£¬Resources, Capabilities, Liability of Newness and Corporate Failure: An Empirical Study£¬Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2010.7
4.Ren, Rongwei, Cooperation-based Entrepreneurship and Innovation: a study on the development of the cluster of the hardware industry in Yangjiang region, Guangdong People¡¯s Press, 2008 (12)
5.Ren, Rongwei, On imitation to independent innovation: the illumination from Baidu¡¯s early growing key factors to new ventures, Journal of Technology Management Research, 2007 (6)
6.Ren, Rongwei,Intrapreneurship strategy integration of overseas merger and acquisition with smile curve effect: based on the success and failure of TCL¡¯s intrapreneurship of overseas merger and acquisition, Journal of Contemporary Management Science, Vol. 10, 2007 (10)
7.Ren, Rongwei,Experimental verification on the clustering effect in industry clusters: trust and cooperation-based on the evidence of research on the cluster competitiveness of the hardware industry in Yangjiang region, Guangdong, Management Research of Sun Yat-sen University, 2007 (4)
8.Ren, Rongwei, Analysis on the sustainable export competitiveness of the new ventures in the industrial cluster, Journal of Contemporary Management Science, 2008 (7)
9.Ren, Rongwei, Analysis on the resource figuration and integration of the new venture creation, Journal of Technology Management Research,2008 (6)
10.Ren, Rongwei, Enhancing corporate core competence with intrapreneurship mechanism: activities and performance: a case study on the intrapreneurship activities in Huawei£¬AEE paper, 2008. 3
11.Ren, Rongwei,Core competence and competitive advantage of real estate development enterprises, Journal of Management World, 2007 (5)
12.Ren, Rongwei, Z Joan., An Empirical study on Corporate Entrepreneurship and Corporate Performance under Contingent Environmental Affection £¬AEE Paper£¬2009.7
13.Joan, Z. Ren Rongwei, Fanwei, .A Resource-Based Analysis on the Influential Factors of New Ventures in Early Stage and their Strategic Performance¡ªAn Empirical Research of SMEs in Shenzhen Exchange£¬Proceedings of Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Beijing£¬2009.7
1.Ren Rongwei: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor£ºReport of China, Chief Editor: Jian Gao£¬Ren Rongwei is in charge of CEM program in Guangzhou City, 2006.(12)
RANK AND AWARDS (partial list)
Rank #2 ¨C 6th China Education Rewards (second reward)
Rank #2 ¨C6th Guangdong Education Rewards (first reward)
Research Funding (partial list)
Presider: General program, National Natural Science Fund of China, 2006-2008
Participator: Emphases program, National Natural Science Fund of China£¬2008-2011
Editorial Responsibilities
Journal of Technology Management Research (Editor since 2008)
Panel Speaker and Session Chairs (major conferences and multiple times)
Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship£¨AEE£©
International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Conference Presentations?
Ren Rongwei, Yunxia Zhu £¬Joan Zhang£¬2010. Resources, Capabilities, Liability of Newness and Corporate Failure: An Empirical Study, Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Ren Rongwei,Joan Zhang£¬2009. An Empirical study on Corporate Entrepreneurship and Corporate Performance under Contingent Environmental Affection, Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Ren Rongwei,Joan Zhang£¬2008. Enhancing corporate core competence with Intrapreneurship Mechanism: Activities and Performance, Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Keynote/Guest Speeches (partial list)
Ren Rongwei :A Resource-Based Analysis on the Influential Factors of New Ventures in Early Stage and their Strategic Performance¡ªAn Empirical Research of SMEs in Shenzhen £¬ Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2009.7
Media Contribution/Mentions
Guangzhou Newspaper (August 6, 2009)
CCTV (November 2007)
TEACHING (since 2006)
Strategic Management (undergraduate-2010)
Strategic Management (MBA-2009)
Strategic Management (MPA-2010)
Management (undergraduate-2010)
Entrepreneurship Management (undergraduate-2010)
Entrepreneurship Management Research (graduate-2010)
History of Management Thought (graduate-2010)
Global Management Challenge Simulation (undergraduate / graduate /MBA-2010)
Teaching Majordomo, Entrepreneurial Academy of SYSU£¬2009-2010
Administrative Director, Entrepreneurial Centre of SYSU, 2004- 2010