Chen Zhuming
Research Areas£ºReal Option Game Theory, Enterprise Property Pricing, Commercial Bank Management, and Risk investment
Educational background?
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, PhD of Management, 2002
Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, Master of Science, 1993
Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China , Bachelor of Science,1985
Academic experiences?
07/2011- present???????????Professor, Business School, Sun Yat-sen University
07/2011-2013? ? ? ? ????? ??Head of EMBA, Sun Yat-sen University
2009 -2011? ? ? ? ? ????????? Deputy head of department of finance & investment, Sun Yat-sen University
04/2004-07/2011? ? ? ? ? Associate professor, Business School, Sun Yat-sen University?
09/2002-04/2004??????????Lecturer, School of Management, Sun Yat-sen University
07/1985-09/1990????????? Teacher, Tongjiang County Middle School, Sichuan Province
Work experiences
02/2000-09/2002£ºPrinciple Staff, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Guangdong Branch
04/1993-02/2000£ºSection Chief, Guangdong technology venture capital co.,ltd?
Overseas experience
01/2005?- 06/2005???? visit in USA
Research Projects (as principle investigator)
1. The National Natural Science Fund(10/01-12/12)
2. The Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong?
3. The Provincial ESRC
4. The Provincial Soft Science Project ?
5. 985 Second Period Project of Sun Yat-Sen University ?
6. Guangzhou Regional Financial Center Project Plan
Books in Print¡¡
1.Xinchun Li(Chief Editor), Zhuming Chen(Subeditor),Management Case Study of Sun Yet-sen University(2006).Beijing: economic science press.2007.3
2.Xinchun Li(Chief Editor),Zhuming Chen,Hang Zhu(Subeditor),Management Case Study of Sun Yet-sen University(2007).Beijing£ºeconomic science press. 2008.5
3.Xinchun Li(Chief Editor),Zhuming Chen,Hang Zhu(Subeditor), Management Case Study of Sun Yet-sen University(2008).Beijing£ºeconomic science press.2009.11
4.Zhuming Chen(Chief Editor),Hang Zhu(Subeditor),Management Case Study of Sun Yet-sen University(2009).Beijing£ºeconomic science press. 2010.11(expected)
Published Articles(2005 forward)
1.Zhuming Chen ,K.C.Chen, ¡°The Timing and Terms of Management Buy-in for State-owned Enterprises in China¡±£¬? Journal of Emerging Markets[J] .12(2007),5-13.?
2.Zhuming Chen,Huali Yang,¡°The Analysis of the Behavior of Corporate Mergers Based on Real Option¡±¡£Chinese journal of management science[J]£¬1(2009)
3.Zhuming Chen,Huali Yang, ¡°The Timing and Terms of M&A When a Failed Acquisition Would Erode the Value of the Bidder¡±£¬?°Ú´³±Õ£¬4(2008)¡£?
4.Zhuming Chen,Huali Yang£¬¡±The Timing and Terms of Merger under Financial Leverage on Target Firm and the Model be Used to Price for SOEs s Property Right ¡°£¬°Ú´³±Õ£¬8(2006).
5.Zhuming Chen,¡°The motivation and process of local government participating in?
the debt crisis management¡ª¡ªcase study of Yuehai debt restructuring¡±. Editor: Shuguang Zhang<Case Study on China¡¯s System Change>(Guangdong)[M]£¬China¡¯s financial economy press£¬Sun Yat-sen University Press£¬2008(11).
6.Zhuming Chen,Yusen Shi, ¡°The empirical research on wealth effect of stock splits and stock dividends.¡± Systems engineering[J]£¬(10)2010.
7.Zhuming Chen,¡°Dynamic model of merging and its usage in transfer of property in state-own enterprises¡±£¬°Ú´³±Õ£¬(07)2005.
8.Zhuming Chen,Jianliang Chen,¡° Dynamic model under stochastic market and its usage in pricing¡±£¬?°Ú´³±Õ£¬(02)2004.?
9.Zhuming Chen,Jianliang Chen,¡°Pricing for Property Right Transfer of State-owned Enterprise¡±£¬?°Ú´³±Õ£¬(06)2005.
Other main articles
10.Zhuming Chen, Strategy study for Guangzhou Regional Financial Center construct, China banking regulatory commission, Guangdong office, Research report, 2010.6.
11.Zhuming Chen,Jiapeng Liu:Haihang Wings , Hainan Airlines spreads the wings, up to 90000 miles?¡ªfrom the financing aspect£¬honored by ministry of education as first session one hundred excellent case study.2010.7.
Articles forthcoming
12.Zhuming Chen, optimal timing and equilibrium price for control right transfer of company.Journal of shanghai jiaotong University. (01)2011.
Articles passing first and second instance and working paper
13.Zhuming Chen ]Shunming Zhang: "A Dynamic Model of SOEs Property Rights Transfer under Imperfect Information".International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making(SCI)(passed second check)
14.Zhuming Chen:¡± the optimal timing and equilibrium price of transfer of control ownership of listed corporate¡ªcase analysis on Haixin purchasing Kelong¡±£¬Nankai business review(passed recheck)
15.Zhuming Chen,Tianjie Zou,Hui Ding:¡± The research for capital adequacy ratio Dilemma of China's listed commercial banks¡±£¬Management review(passed first check)