Chen Zhixiang
Research Areas£ºManagement Science and Engineering, Production and Operation Management and Supply Chain Management
Ph.D. degree: Management Science and Industrial Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST),Wuhan, P.R. of China.
Ph.D. dissertation: Production Planning and control for integrated supply chain management
Supervisors: Professor Rongqiu Chen, Professor Shihua Ma
M.E. degree: Textile Machine and Technique, Donghua University, Shanghai, P.R of China
Master thesis: Production technique of silk yarn using rotor spinning?
Supervisors: Professor Baixiang Zhang, Professor Fuqian Xu
B.E. degree: Textile Machine and Technique, Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology of Textile, Wuhan, P.R. of China
1.Production planning, inventory and scheduling?
2.JIT/lean production system design and operations?
3.Supply chain management
4.intelligent algorithms and computer application in production management
Operations Management (EMBA, MBA and undergraduate course)
Theory and methods of modern production management (PhD students)
Production and supply chain management (graduate students)
Management science research methods (for graduate students)
Head of Department of Management Science (13/01-present)
Area coordinator of production and operations management(2009-present)
Professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Visiting scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Post-doctoral scholar, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Louisiana State University, USA
MBA teacher training program, Harvard Business School, USA
Visiting Scholar, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Pittsburg, USA
Associate professor, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Lecturer, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Lecturer, Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology of Textile, Wuhan, China
Production engineer, Yulin Textile, Printing and Dyeing Factory, Yulin City, Guangxi Province, China
1. Modern Production and Operations Management, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, 2002
2. Modern Production and Operations Management, Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press, Guangzhou (second edition) (graduate level textbook), (2009)
3. Production operations Management, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press.( MBA level textbook),2010.
4. Foundations of Production Operations Management, Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. (undergraduate textbook) ,2010
5. Production and Operations Management, Beijing: China Machine Press.( Undergraduate textbook), first author (coauthor with Li Li),2009
6. Supply China Management, Beijing: China Machine Press.(third author, coauthor with Ma Shihua, Lin Yong.This is the first and most popular academic Chinese book on supply chain management in mainland China which has been reprinted for 18 times from 2000 ) ,2000
1.Multi -factory flexible JIT production-inventory optimization and part supply under imperfect production condition. Funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China, 600,000?£¤RMB, 2014-2017.
2.Multiple stage production-distribution integrated system and coordination, director of project, funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China, 270,000?£¤RMB, 2010-2012.
3.Collaboration mode driven distributed production planning, scheduling and key management technology. Director of project, funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China, 220,000£¤YMB, 2007-2009
4.Production planning methods for manufacturers based on agile supply chain management. Director of project, funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China, 150,000£¤YMB, 2003-2005
5.Enterprise cooperation technology based on agile supply chain management and development of prototype supporting system. Vice director of project, funded by the High Technology Research & Development Program of China (863 Program/CIMS(Computer Integrated Manufacturing System), 900,000?£¤YMB, 2001-2003
6.New mode and new method of production planning and control in the environment of Internet. Member of project, supported by the National Natural Foundation of China, 100,000?£¤YMB, 1998-2000
7.Integrated supply chain management model and operations technology. Member and principal researcher of project, funded by the High Technology Research & Development Program of China (863 Program/CIMS), 150,000?£¤YMB, 1997-1999
8.The cooperation strategies and principal-agent mechanism among enterprises in supply chain. Member and drafter of project, funded by the High Technology Research & Development Program of China (863 Program/CIMS),180,000£¤YMB, 1998-2000
9.Designing and optimization of manufacturing system in the environment of mass customization production. Member of project, funded by the National Nature Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China, 23,000£¤YMB, 1999-2001
Journal papers
1. Zhixiang Chen, Bhaba Sarker, (2015), Optimization of multi- stage JIT production-pricing decision: centralized and decentralized models and algorithms, International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 53, No. 20, 6210¨C6230
2. Zhixiang Chen, (2015) The relationships among JIT, TQM and production operations performance: An empirical study from Chinese manufacturing firms. Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 1015-1039
3. Zhixiang Chen, Bhaba Sarker, (2015). Aggregate production planning with learning effect and uncertain demand: A case based study, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 296-324
4. Xingfen Lai, Zhixiang Chen, Bibhas C. Giri, and Chun-Hung Chiu. (2015),Two-Echelon Inventory Optimization for Imperfect Production System under Quality Competition Environment, Mathematical Problems in Engineering
5. Yingjun Li, Zhixiang Chen (2013), Optimal integrated production-inventory system for imperfect quality items considering unequal shipment policy International Journal of Industrial and System Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, pp.206-238
6. Jie Chen, Zhixiang Chen, (2015), Optimal policy for multi- product multi- stage inventory model with multivariate Markov demand, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Vol.23, No.3, pp. 151-160
7. Zhiming, Chen, Zhixiang, Chen, (2015). Coordination in the risk-averse OEM supply chain with random supply and demand, System Engineering-Theory and Practice, Vol.35 No.5 pp.1124-1132.
8. Zhixiang Chen (2014). Service supply chain management: generalized and applied framework perspective,, International Journal of? Services, Economics and Management. Vol.6, No.1, pp.63-96
9. Zhixiang Chen, Xuehong, JI. (2014). Mutual Effect Relationship between JIT and Supply Chain Management and Their Impact on Operational Performance, JOU£ÒNAL OF WUT(INFO£ÒMATION?£¦?MANAGEMENT ENGINEE£ÒING), Vol.36 No.4, pp.508-512.
10. Zhixiang Chen, Bhaba R, Sarker?£¬(2014). AN Integrated optimal inventory lot-sizing and vehicle routing model FOR a multi- supplier single-assembler system with JIT delivery?£¬International Journal of Production Research, 52(17), pp 5086-5114
11. Zhixiang, Chen¡¢Svenja Andresen?£¬A Multi objective Optimization Model of Production-Sourcing for Sustainable Supply Chain with Consideration of Social, Environmental, and Economic Factors?£¬Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2014, pp 1-11
12. LAI Xinfeng£¬CHEN Zhixiang (2014). Dynamics Simulation Research of the Impact of Demand Mode and Dynamical Characteristics on Production£Distribution Inventory, Science and Technology Management Research,No.2, pp. 180-184.
13. Zhixiang Chen(2013), Joint decision of inventory and pricing for deteriorating items with partial backlogging and multi- constraint, Journal of Modeling in Operations Management Vol.3, No.3/4, pp. 184-205.?
14. Zhixiang Chen, Kim Hua Tan ( 2013), The impact of organization ownership structure on JIT implementation and Production Operations Performance, International Journal of Operations & Production Management , Vol.33, No.9, pp.1202-1229)
15. Zhixiang Chen, Li Li (2013), Information Support Technologies of Integrated Production Planning and Control for OEM Driven Networked Manufacturing, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Vol.26, No.4, pp.400-426
16. Zhiming, Chen, Zhixiang Chen.(2013).Coordination in an OEM supply chain with random supply and demand, Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.10, No.12, 1839-1846.
17. Zhiming, Chen, Zhixiang Chen (2013). Coordination in a price-negotiable OEM supply chain with random supply and random demand, Journal of Management Science in China ( forthcoming)
18. Xingfeng Lai, Zhixiang Chen(2013). Research on Dynamic Simulation of Production-Distribution System With Price-dependent Demand, Industrial Engineering ( Chinese), forthcoming.
19. Li yingjun, Chen zhxiang, (2012), Application of an improved ant colony optimization algorithm for solving single-level multi- period capacitated dynamic lot sizing problem, China Mechanical Engineering, Vol.23, No.10, 2326-1231
20. Li Li Chen Zhixiang,(2012)? Pricing, waiting time and capacity planning decisions for BTO order driven manufacturing firm, Group Technology and Production Modernization, Vol.29, No.1, 31-36
21. Meng xiaosheng, Chen Zhixiang, (2012) Research and Development of order management system for distributed coordinated production, Modern Manufacturing Engineering, 382(7), 11-16.
22. Li Yingjun, Chen zhixiang (2012, accepted), An Improved Ant Colony Algorithm for solving production-transportation Lot-sizing, Industrial Engineering, 15£¨6£©£¬119-124
23. Han Jindong, Li Yingjun, Chen Zhixiang (2012 accepted), Capacitated multi-objective OEM cooperative production order allocation for build-to-order production and application of hybrid Ant colony optimization algorithm, China Mechanical Engineering, 23£¨22£©£¬2714-2719)
24. Zhixiang, Chen, Kim Hua, Tan (2011), The perceived impact of JIT implementation on Operations Performance ¨Cevidence from Chinese firms, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol.8, No.2, 213-235.
25. Chen Zhi-xiang, Liu Ye-xia(2011), Production task allocation decision based on FART technology, Chinese Journal of Management Science,, Vol.19, sp., 435-442.
26. Li Li, Chen Zhi-xiang, (2011). Pricing and capacity planning decisions based on yield management, Chinese Journal of Management Science, Vol.19.sp. 1-4.
27. Li Ying-jun Chen Zhi-xiang (2011), An improved ant colony algorithm for solving capacitated dynamic lot-sizing problem in group technology cell, Chinese Journal of Enterprise Operations Research, vol.1, 14-20.
28. Chen zhixiang (2011). Research on order responsiveness of OEM and strategies for shortening order cycle, Group Technology and Production Modernization, vol.28, no.1, 1-8.
29. Chen Zhixiang (2011). Opportunities and operation strategies for west-China manufacturing enterprises in a multiple supply chain environment. Journal of Sichuan University ( humanities & Social Science). No.4, 91-97.
30. Z.X. Chen, B.R. Sarker£¨2010£©, Multi- vendor integrated procurement-production system in just in time environment, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 61:1654-1666.?
31. Chen zhixiang£¬Wen jianming(2010)£¬Development and realization of agile and coordinated production planning system?£¬Industrial Engineering Journal£¬2010,13£¨4£©£º62-68
32. Wang Xuefeng£¬Chen Zhixiang(2010),,?£¬A study on production planning for a multi-stage distributed manufacturing system£¬China Journal of Enterprise Operations Research£¬2010£¬1£º111-123
33. Yan Zixiang£¬Chen Zhixiang(2009)£¬Production order inserting method and order selection based on Grey correlation analysis?£¬Group Technology and Production Modernization£¬26£¨1£©£º7-11.2009
34. Wang xuefeng£¬Chen Zhixing(2009)£¬Multi-stage order scheduling model under JIT manufacturing environment and application of revised ACO algorithm£¬Value Engineering£¬28£¨5£©£º5-8
35. Wang Xuefeng, Chen Zhixiang(2009)£¬Using HACA to solve multi- stage order scheduling mode,£¬Value Engineering?£¬2009£¬28£¨6£©£º5-8
36. Qiu Jie£¬Chen Zhixiang(2008)£¬Customer demand clustering analysis based on coordination commerce for the mass customization?£¬Manufacturing Automation£¬2008£¬30£¨10£©£º16-21
37. Zhixiang Chen£¬Jen S. Shang. (2008) .Manufacturing Planning and Control Technology vs. Operational Performance: An Empirical Study of MRP and JIT in China. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, vol13, no1?
38. Wang Qiyuan, Chen Zhixiang (2008). A empirical study on relationship between ISO9000 certification and quality, Luojia Management Review, no.2, 188-198.
39. Ou Shilin, Chen Zhixinag (2007). Study on the Optimization of Production planning based on OEM/ODM Cooperation. Journal of Wuhan University of Science and technology?£¬2007£¬29£¨7£©£º120-124
40. Zhixiang Chen (2007). Supplier Relationships Management JIT Production Orientated in Automobile Manufacturing Industry--Case study of Guangzhou Hongda Automobile Company, Group Technology & Production Modernization£¬2007£¬24£¨1£©£º1-5
41. Zhixiang Chen, Shihua Ma and Jen S. Shang. (2006).Integrated Supply Chain Management for Efficiency Improvement, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol, no.1/2, pp.183-206
42. Chen Zhixiang (2006). Agility indexes and application of production planning, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol.19, no.3, pp.352-355
43. Chen Zhixiang (2006). Dynamical responding mode of production planning and case study, Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.23, No.3, pp.1-4
44. Chen Zhixiang and Ma Lan (2006). Application of purchasing cost analysis based on the mode of total cost of ownership. Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.9. no.2, pp.58-63
45. Zhang Guangyuan and Chen Zhixiang (2006). Improvement of agility in ODM enterprises with small batch production, Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.3, no..4, pp.400-406
46. Chen Zhixiang and Zhao Jianjun (2006). Algorithm of lead time using neural network in MRPII. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.23, No.2, pp.31-35
47. Zhang Guang-yuan, He ying-wei and Chen Zhi-xiang (2006). Production planning model & its implementation technology based on J2EE/Web Services, Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Vol.12, No.3, pp.357-363
48. Chen Zhixiang and Wu Junfeng (2005). Evaluation index system and case study of ERP project implementation in China. Engineering Science of China, Vol.7, No.3, 35-41
49. Chen Zhixiang and Cheng Hong (2005). Influencing factor and controlling approaches fro bullwhip effect in manufacturing supply chain. Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.10. No.4, pp.4-9
50. Zhixiang Chen (2005). Study on the relationship between performance of supply chain and coordination strategies. Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol.3, No.2, pp.275-285
51. Wang Juanjuan, Chen zhixiang (2005). Control of orders based on distributed production networks. Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.2, No.2, pp.174-179
52. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Theory analysis and empirical study of supplier-buyer coordination performance based on agile supply chain management. Journal of Management Sciences in China, Vol.8,No.1, pp.79-87
53. Chen Zhiang (2005). Agility Indexes and application of production planning. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.22, No.1, pp.15-18
54. Chen Zhixang (2005). Research of uncertainty problem of production planning information under supply chain environment. Computer Systems Application, No.9,pp.33-35
55. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Influence of supply chain information uncertainty on production planning and improving methods. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.22, No.4, pp.10-13
56. Chen Zhixiang, Zhang guoxing (2005). Application of Value Engineering in Daily Chemical Industry. Engineering Science of China, Vol.7, No.6, pp.84-87
57. Chen Zhixiang, Xia Weiliang (2005). Coordination of VMI technology and its application in manufacturing. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.22, No.3, pp.12-14
58. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Supply chain collaboration technology based on distributed multi-agent structure. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.11, no.2, pp.212-219
59. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Empirical analysis and optimization theory of supply chain relationship. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.11,No.3, pp.386-393
60. Zhao Jianjun, Chen Zhixiang (2005). Designing strategy for MRP considering product character. Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (social science edition), Vol.45, No. Suppl., pp.35-38
61. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Survey of research on electronic supply chain. Application Research of Computers, Vol.22, No.3, pp.1-5
62. Chen Zhixiang, Liang Tingjun (2005). Empirical study on the application of 6 SIGMA to the improvement of manufacturing process. Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.2, No.6, pp.728-732
63. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Improved algorithm of ELECTRE-I for production order valuation. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.22, No.2, pp.19-21
64. Chen Zhixiang (2005). Information Technology application and information sharing of supply chain. Machinery & Electronics, suppl.pp.5-13
65. He Ying-wei, Chen zhixiang (2005). Study on the demand management system of manufacturing enterprise based on WEB. Machinery & Electronics, suppl.pp.52-55
66. Chen Zhixiang, Zhao Jianjun (2004). Performance of supply and demand coordination of enterprises in China. Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.7, No.2,pp.38-41?
67. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Study of the supplier-buyer collaborative relationship in supply chain management. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology[Information & Management Engineering], Vol.26, No.5, pp.139-146
68. Chen Zhixiang (2004). The supplier-buyer coordination strategy for manufacturer. Industrial engineering and Management, Vol.9,No.5, pp.6-10
69. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Supply and demand coordination strategies for Chinese enterprises. Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol.7, no.6, pp.45-50
70. Chen Zhixiang, Luo Lan, Zhao Jianjun (2004).Theoretical and empirical study of influence of incentive strategies on cooperation performance in supply chain. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.10,No.6, pp.677-683
71. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Performance measures system for supply and chain coordination based on agile supply chain. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol.10,no.1,pp.99-105
72. Chen Zhixiang, Zhao Jianjun(2004). Analysis of information structure of production planning based on agile supply chain management. Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.21, no.4, pp.26-29
73. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Model and algorithms of supply and demand coordination performance measurement based on ANP theory. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Vol.10,no.3,pp.286-291
74. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Investigation of Supplier/buyer Coordination Performance in Chinese Companies. GESTAO & PRODUCAO, vol.11 no.3. pp.289-298
75. Zhao Jianjun, Chen Zhixiang (2004). Information structure of production planning based on agile supply chain. Manufacturing Automation, Vol.26, suppl., pp.90-95
76. Chen Zhixiang, Luo Lan, Zhao Jianjun (2004). Empirical study of supplier-seller collaborative relationships of Chinese enterprise. Value Engineering, Vol.23, No.3, pp.26-28
77. Chen Zhixiang, Huang Yanfen(2004). Application of activity-based costing (ABC) theory in ERP system. Value Engineering, Vol23, No.4, pp.110-112
78. Chen, Zhixiang, Ma Shihua (2003). Coordinating integrated supply chain management. Journal of Systems Science and Information, Vol.1, no.1,85-92
79. Chen Zhixiang (2003). Application of AHP method in agile supply chain coordination performance measurement decision support system. Computer Engineering and Application, Vol.39,no.33, pp.33-35
80. Chen Zhixiang (2003). Study on the decision support system of performance measurement of supply and demand coordination based on agile supply chain management. Journal of Xiamen University ( natural science edition), Vol.42, sup., p.34-40
81. Chen Zhixiang (2002). Research and development of GJ_MRPII production management system for furniture enterprise. Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.7,no.4, pp.54-57
82. Chen Zhixiang(2002). A heuristic for job shop non-delay scheduling based on rule. ACTA Sientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni. Vol.41, suppl.(2), pp.149-151
83. Chen Zhixiang (2002). Study of production strategy for Chinese enterprises after China entering into WTO. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., No.1, 62-65
84. Chen Zhixiang(2002). Analysis and designing of V_MRPII for virtual enterprise. Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol.38,no.14, pp.248-250
85. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Flexible decision of MPS in MRPII system. Journal of Systems Engineering, Vol.16, no.6, pp.465-470
86. Chen Zhixiang, (2001). An application of gray clustering method in the sporting clothing style evaluation, Journal of Systems Engineering and electronics, Vol.12, no.2, pp.19-22
87. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu (2001). Fuzzy multi- objective decision model of supplier selection with preference information. Journal of Systems Engineering and electronics, Vol.12, no.1, pp.34-41
88. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Fuzzy analysis and controlling technology in production planning. Journal of Sun Yatsen University (Social Science edition), Vol.41, No.1, pp.17-21
89. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua (2001). Collaborative relationships in supply chain. Nankai Management Review, No.2, pp.56-59
90. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Discussion on problems of ERP implementation. China Soft Science, No.12, pp.58-61
91. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Rational thinking of ERP problems. Applications of the Computer Systems, No.7, pp.7-10
92. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua (2001). The system methodology of enterprise integration¡ªsystematic, coordination characteristics and operation mode of supply chain. Journal of System Engineering and Applications, Vol.21, No.4, pp.91-98
93. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Networked management mode-agile supply chain management. Journal of System Engineering and Applications,Vol.21, no.3, pp.79-82
94. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu (2001). Systematic methodology of integrated supply chain management. High Technology Letters, Vol.7, No.1, pp.51-54
95. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua (2001). Analysis, designing and reconstruction of agile supply chain. Journal of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management, Vol.15, No.1,pp.1-4
96. Chen Zhixiang, Yang Aiming (2000). The development of decision support system of cost optimization for distribution center. Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.6, No.1, pp.55-57
97. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua (2000). Framework of production planning and control oriented for supply chain management. High Technology Letters, No.9, pp.73-77
98. Chen Zhixiang (2000). Cost calculation algorithms of MRPII and it¡¯s realization in computer. ACTA SCIENITARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYASENI, Vol.39, suppl.(2), pp.191-194
99. Chen Zhixiang (2000). Grey Modeling Economics Growing of Cotton Textile Industry, The Journal of Grey System, 2000,vol.12, No.3.pp.309-314
100. Chen Zhixiang, Wang Yunfeng, Ma Shihua (2000). Management mechanism of supply chain¡ªproduction planning and control. Industrial Engineering and Management, vol.4, No.2, pp.22-25
101. Chen Zhixiang, Wang Yifan, Jiang Hongmei (1999). Investigation of supply chain management of Chinese enterprises¡ªinventory and supply management. Logistics Technology, No.2, pp.28-31
102. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu (1999). A research on the modeling theory and methodology for SCM. Journal of Management Science in China, Vol.2, No.1, pp.67-70
103. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu (1999). Designing and reengineering of supply chain. Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.4, pp.28-32
104. Chen Zhixiang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu, Wang Yifan (1999). Supply chain management and activity-based cost controlling policy. Industrial Engineering and Management, Vol.3, No.5, pp.32-35
105. Chen Zhixang, Ma Shihua, Chen Rongqiu (1999). Research on the lean supply chain. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, Vol.5, No.5, pp.11-16
106. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua, Wang Yifan (1999). Designing and developing of the cost management subsystem of SCM/MRPII. Applications of the Computer Systems, No.12, pp.18-20
107. Chen Zhiixang, Ma Shihua, Wang Yifan (1999). Evaluating model for customer satisfaction & practical analysis. System Engineering, Vol.17, No.3, pp.43-48
108. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua (1999).The enterprise reengineering under the model of supply chain management. Logistics Technology. No.3, pp.30-32
109. Wang yifang, Chen Zhixiang, Jiang Hongmei, (1998) An Investigation of Supply Chain Management - Distribution and Service after Sales, Journal of Management Science in China, Vol.1, No.3, pp.81-88.
110. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua(1998), The Enterprise Reengineering under the Model of Supply Chain Management, Logistics Technology, No.3, pp. 30-32.
111. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua, Study on Virtual Enterprise Management, Scientific Management , Vol.16, No.3 , pp. 27-29.
Conference Papers
1. Svenja Andresen, Zhixiang Chen£¬Sustainable supply chain optimization based on a multi-objective programming approach, Proceedings of The 7th International conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM), Shanghai, June 23-25, 2013, ISSN: 1993-9078.
2. Yingjun Li, Zhixiang Chen£¬Optimal integrated production-inventory system for defective items, Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering£¨20th£©£¬July, 17-19, Harbin, China. (EI)
3. Zhixiang Chen, Li Li (2012), Multi-objective Production Planning Considering Partner Selection for Networked Manufacturing, Proceedings of 2012 3rd international Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, (IEMI2012), Beijing, August 10-11, 2012.??
4. Zhixiang Chen, Li Li (2012), An Empirical Study on the Relationships among JIT, TQM and Production Operation Performance in Chinese Manufacturing Firms, Proceedings of The sixth International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Xian, China, July 14-18,. 2012.
5. Zhixiang Chen, Baha R. Sarker, Bingqing Wu, (2012), Integrated Optimization of Pricing, Production and Delivery Decisions in a SVMB System of Deteriorating Items and PSO Algorithm, Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), Hongkong, December 10-12, China.
6. Lai xingfeng, Chen Zhixiang, (2012), Simulation for impact of marketing strategies on decisions of production and inventory, Proceedings of China Management Science Annual Meeting, November, 2-5. Jinan, Shandong, China.
7. Li Li, Zhi-xiang Chen (2011). Pricing and capacity planning decision for BTO manufacturing based on priority differentiation strategy, Proceedings of 2011 IEEE 18th International conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, September, 3-5, Changchun, China.
8. Zhixiang, Chen, Li, Li (2011). The Integration of Manufacturing and marketing: impact on combinative competitive capabilities and business performance, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, September, 13-15, Rome, Italy
9. Zhixiang, Chen Li Li (2011). Coordination mechanism and algorithm for decentralized production-distribution planning, Proceedings of 2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science an d electronic Commerce, August,8-10, Zhengzhou, China
10. Zhixiang Chen, Bhaba, R. Sarker (2011). Procurement and production models with vehicle routing under capacitated and uncapacitated transportation systems, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 17-20,December, Hong Kong.
11. Li Li, Chen zhixiang (2010). Lead-time setting, capacity utilization and pricing decisions for the production seat booking system, Proceedings international conference on IE&EM, Oct. 29-30, Xiamen , China?
12. Li Li, Zhixiang Chen (2010). A revenue management model in BTO manufacturing over an infinite horizon,? Proceedings international conference on IE&EM, Dec. Marco, China
13. Zhixiang Chen(2009). Distributed collaborative production planning: multi-agent system framework and coordination technology. Proceedings of 2009 international conference on information management innovation management and industrial engineering, 26-27, Dec. Xian, China.
14. Wang Xuefeng, Chen Zhi-xiang (2009). Multi-stage order sequencing model and application of revised ACO algorithm in JIT manufacturing environment. Proceedings of 2009 IEEE 16th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management, Oct. 21-23, Beijing, China.?
15. Bhaba, R. Sarker, Zhixiang Chen (2009). JIT procurement and production policy under shared transportation system. Proceedings of IIE Annual Conference and EXPRO, May 30-June 3 2009.
16. Qiu jie, Chen zhixiang (2007). Production order evaluation based on neutral network model, Proceedings of ICM¡¯2007, the 6th international conference on management, August, 3-5, Wuhan, China.
17. Chen Zhixiang (2006). Agile coordinated production planning and computer realization. Proceedings of 2006 Chinese Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Dec, 8-10. Beijing?
18. Chen Zhixiang (2006). Manufacturing progress function and its application in operations research. Proceedings of 2006 China Management Science and Engineering Forum, China Machine Press .October, 23-25, Shengyang, China.?
19. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Development and future of the discipline of production management. Proceedings 2004 China Management Science and Engineering Forum, December, Shanghai, China
20. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Agile responsiveness of production planning for agile supply chain. Proceedings of the 11th International Manufacturing Conference in China, 2004, Sept. 17-20, Jinan, China.????
21. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Empirical study on the relationships between performance of supply chain and coordination strategies, Proceedings of 2nd World Conference on POM, 2004, March, 30¡ªMay, 4. Mexico
22. Z.X. Chen (2004). Supplier-buyer coordination management in Chinese enterprise. Proceedings of 2004 IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, October, 18-21, Singapore.
23. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Manufacturing Production Planning System Based on Agile supply Chain Management. Proceedings of 2nd World Conference on POM, 2004, March, 30-May, 3. Mexico
24. Chen Zhixiang (2004). Study of Production Planning Responsiveness to Agile Supply chain, Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2004, March 25-27, Korea.
25. Chen Zhixiang (2004). PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT OF SUPPLIER-BUYER COOPERATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN SYSTEM:AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN CHINA, Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering, 2004, March 25-27, Korea.
26. Chen Zhixiang, Zhuang binchun (2003). Bottleneck analysis and systematical optimization for GCC production system. Proceedings of 10th Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference (Shanghai. 2003,12)?
27. Chen Zhixiang(2002). Problems of Production Management in Agile Manufacturing Environment and Their Countermeasures, Proceedings of the 10th International Manufacturing Conference (Xiamen, China, 2002,10)
28. Chen Zhixiang (2002). Key Indexes for Purchasing Performance Measurement and Evaluation Model ,Proceedings of International Conference on Global Supply Chain Management, (Beijing, 2002,8)
29. Chen Zhixiang (2001).Supply Chain Management: Model and Method, Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Management 2001,Xian, China, Springer-Verlag Press
30. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Quality Management Method of Virtual Enterprise. Proceedings of the Sino-Korea International Conference on Quality Science and Productivity Promotion ( Zhengzhou, China, 2001)
31. Chen Zhixiang (2001). Study on the Relationships in Supply Chain, Proceedings of 17th International Conference of Computer Aided Production Engineering (Wuhan, China,2001/10)
32. Chen Zhixiang, Chen Rongqiu, Ma Shihua (1998).Integrated Supply Chain Management Framework, Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Management 98,shanghai, Springer-Verlag Press
Reviewer for international journals?
1. Annals of Operations Research
2. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology?
3. International Journal of Production Research
4. International Journal of System Science
5. Business process Management Journal
6. International Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing System
7. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
8. Flexible Service and Manufacturing
9. European Journal of Industrial Engineering
10. Production planning & Control
11. International journal of Quality and reliability management
12. International journal of Operations and Quantitative management
13. Operations Management Research
14. Warm and Evolutional Computation
15. International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research?
Reviewer for Chinese Journals
1. Journal of Management Science in China
2. System Engineer-Theory & Practice
3. Industrial Engineering
Reviewer for NSF of China
1. International students:?
Undergraduate students: two Germany students (graduated in 2013)
Master students: three France students (one graduated in 2013, two graduated in 2014)
2. Chinese Master and PhD students
Since 2002, 35 master student have graduated, two under supervision (2016)
Since 2009, 3 PhD students graduated, 5 under supervision (2016)