George Yuan
Distinguished Professor
Dr. Yuan is a distinguished Professor in Business School and Advanced Institute of Finance,Sun Yat-Sen University (China), a Chair Professor of Soochow University (Suzhou, China)。
He is a scholar in Financial Engineering and FinTech under Shanghai and Sichuan’s "Thousand People Plan" program. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Financial Engineering and several other academic journals. He is currently a deputy director of CSIAM’s FM and Engineering.
Dr. Yuan is currently working in FinTech and Financial Engineering with focus on the area of SME’s credit rating, digital asset valuation and corresponding AI under the framework of Bigdata and Black Chain by introducing new concepts such as “Risk Gene”, “Consensus games” and related new techniques and methods.
Dr. Yuan led a team in Fintech since Year 2013 successfully completed a number of projects including "Yangtze River", "Xinhua 08" with milestones in the area of SME credit rating, and dynamic hedging and AI Service for asset management service.
George has obtained Bachelor and Master in Maths, Financial Engineering, and Statistics, he also received his PhD in Maths from Sichuan Univ. (China), Univ. of Toronto (Canada), Dallhousie Univ. (Canada) .
Dr Yuan has worked and studied for more than 25 years both at home and abroad (the United States, Canada, and Australia). His present research work has been carried out on -the theoretical and practical applications of financial engineering/finance mathematics, nonlinear functional analysis and related applications. As of Year 2018, he has published more than 140 academic SCI (or SSCI) academic papers. Dr Yuan has published the following 2 monograph (in English):
-The Study of Minimax Inequalities and Applications to Economies and Variational Inequalities, Memoirs of American Mathematical Society, 1998.
KKM Theory and Applications in Nonlinear Analysis, Marcel Dekker Publisher, New York, 1999.