Zhang Shujun
Research Areas:Financial Economics; Corporate Finance; Neo-Keynes Dynamic Economics; and Monetary Economics.
Postdoctoral in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University.
Ph.D.???Business Administration (in Strategy),Sun Yat-sen University (June, 2006), Guangzhou
M.A.?????Economics (in International Trade),Nanjing University (June 1999)
B.A.?????Economics (in International Trade), Shandong Institute of Technology (June 1996)
12/06-??????????????Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen University
07/01-12/06??????Lecturer, Sun Yat-sen University
11/07-11/08??????Visiting Scholar, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University
09/03-02/04??????Visiting Scholar, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University
Scholarly Books
1.Zhang,Shujun,Xiaohua Su, and Jilin Dai (2008) Strategic Choices and Firm Performance. Bejing: Economic Science Press.
2.Barney, Jay, William Hesterly, Xinchun Li, and Shujun Zhang (2010).Strategic Management. Bejing: China Machinery Press.
Edited and Translated Book
1.Barney, Jay, Delwyn Clark, Shujun Zhang, and Xiaohua Su (2010) Resource-based Theory: Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Shanghai: Sanlian Bookstore Press.
2.Li, Xinchun, Jun Wang, Haixiong Qiu, and Shujun Zhang (2008). Market Transition and SMEs: A Focus on Industry Clusters and Family Business. Beijing: Economic Science Press.
3.Li, Xinchun and Shujun Zhang (2006). Family Business: Organization, Behavior, and Chinese Economy. Shanghai: Sanlian Bookstore Press.
1.Articles Published in Refereed English Journals
1.Ronald Maier, Giuseppina Passiante, & Shujun Zhang (2010). Creating Value in Networks, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, forthcoming.
2.Zhang, Shujun & Xiaohua Su (2009). Made in China at a crossroads: A resource-based view, Journal of Public Affairs, 9(4): 313-322.
3.Barney, Jay & Shujun Zhang (2009). The future of Chinese management Research: A theory of Chinese management versus a Chinese theory of management, Management and Organization Review, 26(1): 1-14.
4.Zhang, Shujun & Xinchun Li (2008). Managerial ties, firm resources, and performance of cluster firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25(4): 615-633.
5.Barney, Jay & Shujun Zhang (2008). Collective goods, free riding, and country brands: The Chinese experience, Management and Organization Review, 4(2): 211-223.
6.Peng, Mike W., Shujun Zhang & Xinchun Li (2007). CEO duality and firm performance during China’s institutional transitions, Management and Organization Review, 3(2): 205-225.
2.Articles Published in Refereed Chinese Journals
1.Zhang, Shujun and Jay Barney, Strategic Management Research in Mainland China: Current Status and Future Prospects, Sun Yat-sen Management Review (Taiwan), 2008, 2: 279-294.
2.Zhang, Shujun and Xiaohua Su, Strategic Choices and Growth of Entrepreneurial spin-outs, R&D Management, 2008, 1: 18-25
3.Zhang, Shujun, Jun Wang, Haixiong Qiu, and Xinchu Li, Industrial Clusters, Family Business Firm, and Entrepreneurship, Economic Research, 2007, 5:154-158.
4.Su, Xiaohua and Shujun Zhang, Partner Selection, Strategic Choices, and Performance of International Joint Ventures, Xuehai, 2007, 5: 125-130.
5.Zhang, Shujun and Xinchu Li, Cluster Resources, Firm’s Strategic Network, and Competitiveness, Industrial Economics Review, March, 2006, 4 (2): 26-39.
6.Su, Xiaohua and Shujun Zhang, A Resource-based Perspective on Spin-off Strategy, Science. Economy. Society, 2006, 24(4): 54-58.
7.Su, Xiaohua and Shujun Zhang, Evolutionary Pattern of Control in Sino-foreign IJVs and Learning Mechanisms, Science and Research Management, 2006, 27(1):47-54.
8.Su, Xiaohua and Shujun Zhang, Firm-specific Human Capital Investment and the Governance of Knowledge-based Enterprises, Business Economics and Administration, 2006, 5.
Research Funding
National Philosophy and Social Science Grant: Spin-off Strategy and Entrepreneurship (07CJY008). Principal Investigator, 2007-2010.
Ministry of Education Social Science Young Scholar Grant: The Spin-out Mechanisms and Firm Performance (06JC630031). Principal Investigator, 2006-2008.
Guangdong Municipal Philosophy and Social Science “Tenth-Five” Planning Program: Resource Inheritance, Learning Capability and Firm Competitiveness (03/04L01). Principal Investigator, 2004-2006.
Editorial Responsibilities
Associate Editor
Journal of Strategy and Management (Associate Editor since 2010)
China Management Studies (Associate Editor since 2008).
Guest Editor
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (Co-guest editor, on the special issue of Networks and Value Creation, 2010)
Ad Hoc Reviewer (Partial List)
Academy of Management Journal; Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Panel Speaker and Session Chairs
International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Professional Associations
Academy of Management
Academy of International Business
Strategic Management Society
Conference Presentations (AOM, AIB , SMS, and IACMR, etc.)
Su, Xiaohua, Shujun Zhang, Ping Wang (2010). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Chinese High-tech Firms: The Mediating Impact of Organizational Learning, presented at the 7th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Macao, China, December.
Krzysztof Obloj, Michael Pratt, Shujun Zhang (2010). Crossing the River by Feeling for Stones: ?An Exploratory Study of Dominant Logic of Chinese Entrepreneurs, presented at the Strategic Management Society 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, October.
Petti, Claudio and Shujun Zhang (2010). Making Technological Innovation Work in Chinese Enterprises: Some Insights into Technological Entrepreneurship, paper presented at the 4th IACMR Biennial Conference, Shanghai, China, June.
Jeffrey Reuer, Beverly Tyler, & Zhang, Shujun (2009). How Executives' Evaluations of Foreign Direct Investment Opportunities in China Differ: Buyer's and Seller's Perspectives, presented at the 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August.
Jeffrey Reuer, Beverly Tyler, & Zhang, Shujun (2009). How Executives' Evaluations of Foreign Direct Investment Opportunities in China Differ: Buyer's and Seller's Perspectives, presented at the Strategic Management Society 29th Annual International Conference, Washington DC, USA, October.
Tong, Tong, Jeffrey Reuer, Beverly Tyler, & Zhang, Shujun (2009). Host Country Executives' Assessments of International Joint Ventures and Divestitures, presented at the Strategic Management Society 29th Annual International Conference, Washington DC, USA, October.
Tong, Tong, Jeffrey Reuer, Beverly Tyler, & Zhang, Shujun (2009). Executives' Assessments of International Joint Ventures and Divestitures: A Host Country Perspective, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, San Diego, California, USA, June.
Zhang, Shujun & Su, Xiaohua (2008). Entrepreneurial Spawning and Growth of Industrial Clusters. Paper accepted by the 8th Conference of the International Entrepreneurship Forum, Ahmedabad, India, December.
Tong, Tong, Jeffrey Reuer, Beverly Tyler, & Zhang, Shujun (2008). Evaluating the choice between international joint ventures and divestitures: Evidence from host country executives, paper presented at the Strategic Management Society 28th Annual International Conference, Cologne, Germany, October.
Barney, J.B., & Zhang, S.J. Trusting the Chinese Brand, Presented at the third IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) Biennial Conference, Guangzhou, China, June, 2008.
Alvarez, S., Barney, J.B., & Zhang, S.J. Opportunities, Entrepreneurship, and China, Presented at the third IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) Biennial Conference, Guangzhou, China, June, 2008.
Zhang, Shujun, Li, Xinchun & Su, Xiaohua (2008). Managerial ties, relational resources, and firm performance, paper presented at the third IACMR Biennial Conference, Guangzhou, China, June.
Zhang, Shujun & Su, Xiaohua (2008). Strategic Choices and Performance of Entrepreneurial Spinouts, Best Paper Award, The 7th Conference of the International Entrepreneurship Forum, Shanghai, China, August, 2007.
Zhang, Shujun, Li, Xinchun & Su, Xiaohua (2007). Managerial Ties, Relational Resources, and Firm Performance, Presented at Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference on “China Strategies”, Shanghai, China, May, 2007.
TEACHING (since 2006)
Strategic Management (undergraduate)
Strategic Management (MBA)
International Management (graduate)
Assistant Dean, 2008-present
Department Chair, 2008-present