Qin Xin
Research Areas:Organizational Behavior
Xin Qin (qinxin@sysu.edu.cn) is an associate professor in the Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University, and also is a Fulbright visiting scholar in Harvard Business School. He received his PhD in organizational management from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His research focuses on leadership, ethics, and interdisciplinary research. He has published papers in Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, and so on.
Research Areas
Leadership, Ethics,Interdisciplinary Research
Educational Background
09/09-14/07 |
Ph.D., Management (Organizational Management) Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing |
12/08-13/06 |
Fulbright visiting Ph.D., Organizational Behavior Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Boston, USA |
07/08-08/02 |
International exchange student, Business Administration Business School, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea |
05/09-09/07 |
B.A., Management (Business Administration) Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou |
Professional Experiences
16/06-present |
Associate Professor, Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University |
14/07-16/06 |
Assistant Professor, Sun Yat-sen Business School, Sun Yat-sen University |
09/09-14/07 |
Teaching Assistant, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University |
(? denotes equal contributors; * denotes corresponding author)
- Qin, X., Huang, M., Johnson, R. E., Hu, Q., & Ju, D. (2018). The short-lived benefits of abusive supervisory behavior for actors: An investigation of recovery and work engagement. Academy of Management Journal, 61, 1951-1975.
- Li, W., Krause, R.*, Qin, X.*, Zhu, H., Zhang, J., Xu, Y., & Lin, S. (2018). Under the microscope: An experimental look at board transparency and director monitoring behavior. Strategic Management Journal, 39, 1216-1236.
- Qin, X., Ren, R., Zhang, Z., & Johnson, R. E. (2015). Fairness heuristics and substitutability effects: Inferring the fairness of outcomes, procedures, and interpersonal treatment when employees lack clear information. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 749-766.
- Qin, X.*, Ren, R., Zhang, Z., & Johnson, R. E. (2018). Considering self-interests and symbolism together: How instrumental and value-expressive motives interact to influence supervisors’ justice behavior. Personnel Psychology, 71, 225-253.
- Au, E.*, Qin, X.*, & Zhang, Z.* (2017). Beyond personal control: When and how executives’ beliefs in negotiable fate foster entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 69-84.
- Qin, X., Huang, M., Hu, Q., Schminke, M., & Ju, D. (2018). Ethical leadership, but toward whom? How moral identity congruence shapes the ethical treatment of employees. Human Relations, 71, 1120-1149.
- Qin, X.?, Hom, P.?, & Xu, M.? (2019). I am a peasant or a worker? Explore why and when migrant workers quit from an identity strain perspective. Human Relations, 72, 801-833.
- Zheng, X.?, Qin, X.?*, Liu, X.?, & Liao, H.? (online). Will creative employees always make trouble? Investigating the roles of moral identity and moral disengagement. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Xu, M.?, Qin, X.?*, Dust, S. B.?, & Direnzo,?M. S.? (online). Supervisor-subordinate proactive personality congruence and psychological safety: A signaling theory approach to employee voice behavior.?Leadership Quarterly.
- Ju, D.?, Xu, M.?, Qin, X.?, & Spector, P. E.? (online). A multilevel study of abusive supervision, norms and personal control on counterproductive work behavior: A theory of planned behavior approach. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies.
- Qin, X., Liao, H., Zheng, X., & Liu, X. (2019). Stock market exposure and anxiety in a turbulent market: Evidence from China. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 328.
- Qin, X.?, Ma, J.?, Ye, W., & Zhu, H. (2018). Experimental research in the field of strategy and entrepreneurship: Status quo, methods, and implications. Under review at Quarterly Journal of Management (《管理学季刊》), 2, 131-160.
- Qin, X., Direnzo,?M. S., Xu, M., & Duan, Y. (2014). When do emotionally exhausted employees speak up? Exploring the potential curvilinear relationship between emotional exhaustion and voice.?Journal of Organizational Behavior, 35, 1018-1041.
- Li, X., Qin, X., Jiang, K., Zhang, S., & Gao, F. (2015). Human capital-enhancing HR practices and firm performance: The joint moderating effects of regional human capital level and product innovation strategy. Management and Organization Review, 11, 237-261.
- Qin, X., Hom, P., Xu, M., & Ju, D. (2014). Applying the Job Demands-Resources model to migrant workers: Exploring how and when geographic distance increases quit propensity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87, 303-328.
- Ju, D.?, Qin, X.?, Xu, M.?, & Direnzo,?M. S. (2016). Boundary conditions of the emotional exhaustion - unsafe behavior link: The dark side of group norms and personal control. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33, 113-140.
- Zhou, Y., Hu, Q., Yao, J., & Qin, X.* (2016). The determinants of family business owners’ intrafamily succession intention: An interplay between business owners and institutional environment. Chinese Management Studies, 10, 710-725.
- Hu, Q., Yang, S., & Qin, X.*, Wang, S. (2016). Will informal status promote voice behavior? Based on status characteristics theory. Quarterly Journal of Management (《管理学季刊》), 3, 60-80.
- Zhang, Z., Qin, X., Zhang, S. (2013). Does “dual system” of employment?improve firm?productivity? Evidences from 12314?companies across 30 provinces in China. Management World (《管理世界》), 5, 41-52.
- Chen, Z., Qin, X., & Vogel, D. (2012). Cooperation is a panacea? The effect of cooperative response to task conflict on team performance. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 29, 163-178.
- Qin, X., Gao, Z., Ma, X., & Mao, L. (2012). The existence, quality, focus, and antecedents of corporate vision and mission: Evidence from the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises. In M. Marinov & S. Marinova (Eds.), Impacts of emerging economies and firms on international business (pp. 76-106). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Qin, X., Zhang, C., Ma, L., Xu, M., & Deng, S. (2011). From countryside to city: The model of rural migrant workers’ citizenization. Management World (《管理世界》), 10, 48-57.
- Qin, X., Niu, C., Huang, Z., & Xu, M. (2011). The familiarity of Influenza A (H1N1), perception of vaccine safety, vaccination behavior and their influential mechanism. Acta Psychologica Sinica (《心理学报》), 43, 684-695.
- Qin, X.*, & Jiang, Y. (2011). The impact of natural disaster on absenteeism, job satisfaction, and job performance of survival employees: An empirical study of the survivors in Wenchuan Earthquake. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 5, 219-242.
- Qin, X., & Ju, D. (2011). Can a broken mirror be made whole again? The effects of promise-broken and promise-kept on psychological contract and trust in TMT. China Management Studies (《中大管理研究》), 6, 1-25.
Current Research
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71502179 and 71872190)
- Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme
- “100 Top Talents Program” of Sun Yat-sen University
- Organizational Behavior Seminar (graduates)
- Organizational Behavior (undergraduates)
- Human Resource Management (undergraduates)
2019?? First Prize of the Excellent Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Science in Guangdong Province
2019?? Outstanding Award in the Annual Performance Appraisal of Sun Yat-sen University (top 15%)
2018?? Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme
2018?? Ho’s Distinguished Research Award (top 2%)
2018?? Outstanding Award in the Annual Performance Appraisal of Sun Yat-sen University (top 15%)
2017?? First Prize of Excellent Human Resource Research Award in Guangdong Province
2017?? Outstanding Award in the Annual Performance Appraisal of Sun Yat-sen University (top 15%)
2016?? Ho’s Distinguished Research Award (top 5%)
2016?? Ho’s Distinguished Teaching Award (top 5%)
2016?? Outstanding Award in the Annual Performance Appraisal of Sun Yat-sen University (top 15%)
2015?? Academy of Management (AOM) Best Paper Proceedings (Organizational Behavior Division)
2015?? Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research Fund Award (Highly Commended?Award)
2014?? Outstanding Paper Award in Management Annual Meeting (MAM)
2014?? Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate in Beijing
2014?? “Top 10 Postgraduate” in Academic Research (1st in social science) of Peking University
2014?? Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate of Peking University
2014?? First Prize of Li Ning Dissertation Grant in International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
2014?? Excellent Dissertation of Peking University
2014?? First Prize of Emerald Postgraduate Paper Showcase
2012?? National Scholarship (Ph.D.)
2012?? Fulbright Scholarship
2013?? President Scholarship
2012?? President Scholarship
2011?? President Scholarship
2010?? President Scholarship
2013?? Innovation Award (academic research)
2012?? Innovation Award (academic research)
2011?? Innovation Award (academic research)
2010?? Innovation Award (academic research)
2013?? Dean’s Scientific Research Fund
2011?? Outstanding Paper Award in Management Annual Meeting (MAM)
2008?? National Scholarship (undergraduate)