??2019/9-现在,中国运筹学会 金融工程与金融风险管理分会 常务理事 副理事长
??2010/4-2019/8,中国运筹学会 金融工程与金融风险管理分会 常务理事 秘书长
??2010/12-现在,中国系统工程学会 金融系统工程专业委员会 委员
??2017/8-现在,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会 经济数学与管理数学分会 常务理事
??2019/8-现在,中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会 量化金融与保险分会 常务理事
??Yang, X. G. and?S. S. Zhu, (Guest editors) Special Issue on New Challenges in Financial Optimization and Risk Management of Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, vol.6(1), 2018.
??Sun, X. L.,?S. S. Zhu, Z. F. Li and Weber, G.-W. Weber (Guest editors), Special Issue on Optimization and Dynamics in Finance of Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Series B), vol.17(1b), 2010.
??管理科学学报、系统工程学报、应用数学学报、系统工程理论与实践、系统科学与数学、Management Science, Operations Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,? Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Risk, Journal of Computational Finance, European Journal of Operations Research, IIE Transactions, China Finance Review International 等期刊审稿人。
??国家自然科学基金面上项目,71071036,两类金融优化问题的研究——以消除理论与实践的差距为目标, 2011/1-2013/12,主持。
??Hu, Z. L., W. J. Sun, S. S. Zhu (通讯), Chance constrained programs with Gaussian mixture models, IISE Transactions, 2022, online.
? Ma, J. L., S. S. Zhu(通讯), Y. Wu, Joint effect of liability network and portfolio overlapping on financial systemic risk: contagion and rescue, Quantitative Finance, 21(5), 753–770, 2021.
? Zhu, S. S., W. Zhu, X. Pei, X. T. Cui, Hedging crash risk in optimal portfolio selection, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2020, 119, 105905.
? Kang, Z. L., X. Li, Z. F. Li ,?S. S. Zhu, Data-driven robust mean-CVaR portfolio selection under distribution ambiguity,?Quantitative Finance, 19(1): 105-121, 2019.
??Cui, X. Y., J. J. Gao, Y. Shi,??S. S. Zhu, Time-consistent and self-coordination strategies for multi-period mean-Conditional Value-at-Risk portfolio selection,?European Journal of Operational Research, 276, 781-789, 2019.
?? Cui, X. T., X. L. Sun,?S. S. Zhu(通讯), R J. Jiang and D. Li, Portfolio optimization with nonparametric Value-at-Risk: a block coordinate descent method,?INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30(3), 454-471, 2018.
??Zhu, W., C. H. Zhang, Q. Liu and?S. S. Zhu(通讯), Incorporating convexity in bond portfolio immunization using multi-factor model: a semidefinite programming approach,?Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 6 (1), 3-23, 2018. Special Issue on New Challenges in Financial Optimization and Risk Management.
??Cui, X. T.,?S. S. Zhu(通讯), D. Li and J. Sun, Mean–variance portfolio optimization with parameter sensitivity control,Optimization Methods & Software, 31, 755-774, 2016.
??Zhu, S. S., X. D. Ji and D. Li, Robust set-valued scenario approach for handling modeling risk in portfolio optimization,Journal of Computational Finance, 19, 11-40, 2015.
??Zhu, S. S., M. J. Fan and D. Li, Portfolio management with robustness in both prediction and decision: A mixture model based learning approach,?Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 48, 1-25, 2014.
??Cui, X. T.,?S. S. Zhu(通讯), X. L. Sun and D. Li, Nonlinear portfolio selection using approximate parametric Value-at-Risk,?Journal of Banking and Finance, 37, 2124-2139, 2013.
??Li, Y. J.,?S. S. Zhu, D. H. Li and D. Li, Active allocation of systematic risk and control of risk sensitivity in portfolio optimization,?European Journal of Operational Research, 228, 556-570, 2013.
??Cui, X. Y., D. Li, S. Y. Wang and?S. S. Zhu, Better than dynamic mean-variance: Time inconsistency and free cash flow stream,?Mathematical Finance, 22(2), 346-378, 2012.
??Zhu, S. S., X. T. Cui, X. L. Sun and D. Li, Factor-risk constrained mean-variance portfolio selection: Formulation and global optimization solution approach,?Journal of Risk, 14(2), 51-89, 2011.
??Zhu, S. S., D. Li and X. L. Sun, Portfolio selection with marginal risk control,?Journal of Computational Finance, 14(1), 3-28,2010.
??Zhu, S. S., M. Fukushima, Worst-case conditional Value-at-Risk with application to robust portfolio management,?Operations Research, 57(5), 1155-1168, 2009.
??Zhu, S. S., D. Li and S. Y. Wang, Robust portfolio selection under downside risk measures,?Quantitative Finance, 9(7), 869-885, 2009.
??Huang, D. S.,?S. S. Zhu, F. J. Fabozzi and M. Fukushima, Portfolio selection with uncertain exit time: a robust CVaR approach,?Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 32, 594-623, 2008.
??Ji, X. D.,?S. S. Zhu, S. Y. Wang and S. Z. Zhang, A stochastic linear goal programming approach to multi-stage portfolio management based on scenario generation via linear programming,?IIE Transactions, 37, 957-969, 2005.
??Zhu, S. S., D. Li and S. Y. Wang, Risk control over bankruptcy in dynamic portfolio selection: a generalized mean-variance formulation,?IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 49(3), 447-457, 2004.