徐佳焱,麻花传MDR免费版副教授,博士生导师,香港中文大学商学院博士,广东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金获得者。从事运营管理与供应链管理的研究和教学,20多篇研究成果发表在 《Production and Operations Management》,《Naval Research Logistics》,《European Journal of Operational Research》,《管理科学学报》,《系统工程理论与实践》等学术期刊。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目。
"Group buying between competitors: Exogenous and endogenous power structures" (2024),?Production and Operations Management, 33(10), 1997–2013.?With Ke Fu, Guoming Lai, Weixin Shang.?(UTD24, FT50)
"When gray markets meet "made in China": The impacts of global markets and value-added tax refund" (2024),?Production and Operations Management, 33(3), 832–851.?With Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Yuanji Zang.?(UTD24, FT50)
"The impact of tax and transfer pricing on a multinational firm's strategic decision of selling to a rival" (2019),?Production and Operations Management, 28(9), 2279-2290.?With Vernon N. Hsu, Wenqiang Xiao.?(UTD24, FT50)
"The impacts of markets and tax on a multinational firm's procurement strategy in China" (2018),?Production and Operations Management, 27(2), 251-264.?With Vernon N. Hsu, Baozhuang Niu.?(UTD24, FT50)
"Level workforce planning for multistage transfer lines" (2016),?Naval Research Logistics, 63 (7), 577-590.?(工业工程领域顶级期刊)
"Manufacturing and procurement outsourcing strategies of competing original equipment manufacturers" (2023),?European Journal of Operational Research, 308 (2), 884-896.?(ABS四星,FMS A级)
"Procurement auctions with ex post cooperation between capacity constrained bidders" (2017),?European Journal of Operational Research, 260 (3), 1164-1174.?(ABS四星,FMS A级)
"Newsvendor with multiple options of expediting" (2013),?European Journal of Operational Research, 226 (1), 94-99.?(ABS四星,FMS A级)
"A proprietary component manufacturer’s global supply chain design: The impacts of tax and organizational structure" (2023),?Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 115, 102777.
"The impact of trade credit on information sharing in a supply chain" (2022),?Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 110, 102633.
"Brand extension and channel structure: An analysis of the effects of social influence" (2022),?Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 110, 102626.
"The impacts of sales efforts and mode of payment on the competition between agent and retailer" (2021),?Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 103, 102416.
"The supply chain effects of trade credit under uncertain demands" (2021),?Omega-The International Journal of Management Science, 98, 102113.
"The coopetition effect of learning-by-doing in outsourcing" (2021),?International Journal of Production Research, 59(2), 516-541.
"A multinational firm's global manufacturing location and outsourcing strategies" (2024),?Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194, 110386.
"Sourcing diversification: Strategy selection, sourcing allocation and brand power" (2023),?Computers & Industrial Engineering, 181, 109307.
"不对称信息下权力结构对自有品牌引入的影响"(2021),《系统工程理论与实践》,41(8), 2056-2075.
"无理由退货政策下的概率销售策略"(2020),《系统工程理论与实践》,40(4), 964-977.