麻花传MDR免费版助理教授,滑铁卢大学哲学博士(管理科学方向)。研究聚焦于随机模型以及医疗健康领域的数据分析。随机模型方向具体包括排队论、矩阵分析方法(Matrix-Analytic Methods)、马尔科夫驱动的流体模型(Markov Modulated Fluid Flow Processes)等;医疗健康领域关注如何通过数据分析预测渐冻症(ALS)病人的发病过程并提供更好的医疗照顾。曾获滑铁卢大学Fraser Research Paper Award以及加拿大运筹学协会(CORS)排队论分会学生论文奖第二名。
2021.11-至今 麻花传MDR免费版,助理教授
2021.1-2021.5 University of Waterloo, Instructor
Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journals and Conferences:
Advances in Applied Probability, Computers and Operations Research, INFOR: Information Systems and Operations Research, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, EAI Valuetools, American Control Conference
Session Chair: CORS 2021, EAI Valuetools 2021
Professional Membership: INFORMS (2019-) and CORS (2017-)
Refereed Journal Articles
1.?Wu, H.,?Erenay, F.S.,?Ozaltin, O.Y., Dalgic, O.O., Pasupathy, K., Sir, M.,?He, Q.,?Crum, B.A.,?Prognostic Factors Affecting ALS Progression through disease Tollgates,?To appear in?Journal of?Neurology,?2024.
2. Hu, J., Xia, L., Hu, J., Wu, H. (通讯), Economical and Reliable Energy Management for Networked Microgrids in A Multi-Agent Collaborative Manner. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Online 2024.
3. Wu, H., He, Q. M., Erenay, F. S., Double‐sided queues and their applications to vaccine inventory management.?Naval Research Logistics (NRL),?Online, 2024.
4.?Wu, H., He, Q. M., Xia, L., A Uniform Approach for Analyzing Queues with Correlated Interarrival and Service Times.?Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics, Online, 2024.
5.?Wu, H., He, Q. M., Xia, L., The impact of the correlation coefficient of interarrival and service times on queueing performance: the M/M/1 case.?European Journal of Operational Research,?319(2), 625-637, 2024.
6.?Wu, H.,?He, Q. M., Optimizing Erlangization-based approximations for finite discrete distributions and discrete phase-type distributions.?Stochastic Models, Online, 2023.
7.?He, Q. M., Liu, B., Wu, H.,?Continuous approximations of discrete phase-type distributions and their applications to reliability models.?Performance Evaluation,?154, 102284, 2022
8. Dalgic, O.O., Wu, H. (共同一作), Erenay, F.S., Sir, M., Ozaltin, O.Y., Crum, B.A., Pasupathy, K., Mapping of Critical Events in Disease Progression through Binary Classification: Application to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 123(1), 103895, 2021.
9. Wu, H., He, Q.M., Double-sided Queues with Marked Markovian Arrival Processes and Abandonment. Stochastic Models, 37(1), 23-58, 2021.
10. He, Q.M., Wu, H., Multi-Layer MMFF Processes and the MAP/PH/K +GI Queue: Theory and Algorithms. Queueing Models and Service Management, 3(1), 37-87, 2020.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
1.?Pan, J., Chen, G., Wu, H., Peng, X., Xia, L., Deep reinforcement learning-based dynamic bandwidth allocation in weighted fair queues of routers. In?2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)?(pp. 1580-1587). IEEE, 2022
2. Crum, B.A., Dalgic, O.O., Wu, H., Erenay, F.S., Ozaltin, O.Y., Pasupathy, K., Sir, M., Time Trajectories of Critical Events in ALS Progression, AAN Annual Meeting (Virtual), 2021. [Abstract + Poster]
3. Crum, B.A., Erenay, F.S., Dalgic, O.O., Wu, H., Ozaltin, O.Y., Pasupathy, K., Sir, M., Time Trajectory of Critical Events in ALS Progression through Data?Augmentation, 19th Annual NEALS Meeting, 2020. [Abstract + Poster]
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费-青年教师培育项目,流体过程在排队系统以及库存系统中的应用,主持