麻花传MDR免费版助理教授,新加坡国立大学商学院管理学博士。研究领域包括人工智能、工作不安全感、工作-家庭界面、领导力等,目前专注于组织行为学与人工智能的交叉学科研究。研究成果发表于Journal of Applied Psychology、Journal of Occupational Health Psychology、Journal of Business Ethics、Psychological Bulletin等刊物。
2022 新加坡国立大学,获管理学博士学位
2016 中山大学,获管理学硕士学位????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2014 华南理工大学,获管理学学士学位
2013 美利坚大学,交换生
2022.11-至今 麻花传MDR免费版,助理教授
(* 代表通讯作者)
Yam, K. C.*, Tang, P., Jackson, J., Su, R.*, & Gray, K. (in press). The Rise of Robots Increases Job Insecurity and Maladaptive Workplace Behaviors:?Multi-Method Evidence. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Pluut, H., Ilies, R., Su, R., Weng, Q., & Liang, A. X. (2022). How social stressors at work influence marital behaviors at home: An interpersonal model of work–family spillover. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(1), 74-88.
Yam, K. C., Reynolds, S. J., Zhang, P., & Su, R. (2021). The unintended consequences of empowering leadership: Increased deviance for some followers. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-18.
Landy, J. F., Jia, M., Ding, I. L., Viganola, D., Tierney, W., Dreber, A., . . . Su, R., . . . Uhlmann, E. L. (2020). Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results.?Psychological Bulletin,?146(5), 451-479.
Pluut, H., Ilies, R., & Su, R. (2020). How Workplace Social Stressors Influence Marital Behaviors: A Social Model of Work-Family Spillover. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA.
Guo, Y., Tang, P. M., & Su, R. (2019). The Daily Impact of Customer Incivility on Service Employees' Self-Denigration and Behaviors. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
Yam, K. C., Reynolds, S. J., Zhang, P., & Su, R. (2018). Unintended consequences of empowering leadership. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.