2015 华中师范大学,获管理学学士学位
2021 清华大学,获管理学博士学位?? ?
2019-2020 美国佛罗里达大学沃灵顿学院,联合培养
2021-至今 ? 麻花传MDR免费版,助理教授
- Ni, D., Zheng, X. M.*, & Liang, L. H. (2022). How and when leader mindfulness influences team member interpersonal behavior: Evidence from a quasi-field experiment and a field survey. Human Relations (FT50),?76(12), 1940-1965.
- Li, N.#, Zheng, X.#, Ni, D.*, Kirkman, B. L., Zhang, M., Xu, M., & Liu, C. (2024). Leadership in a crisis: A social network perspective on leader brokerage strategy, intra-organizational communication patterns, and business recovery. Journal of Management (FT50).?Advance online publication.
- Ni, D., Wu, S.*, Zheng, M. X., & Wu, W. (2024). Expatriate managers' personal financial insecurity indirectly thwarts team innovation: The role of state learning goal orientation. Human Resource Management?(FT50).?Advance online publication.
- Lu, S.#, Wang, L.#, Ni, D.#*, Shapiro, D. L.#, & Zheng, X. M.# (2022). Mitigating the harms of abusive supervision on employee thriving: The buffering effects of employees’ social network-centrality.?Human Relations (FT50),?76(9), 1441-1473.
- Venkataramani, V., Lu, S.*,?Bartol, K. M., Zheng, X.*, & Ni, D. (2024). Seeing value in novelty: Manager and employee social networks as keys in managers’ idea evaluation and implementation decisions.?Journal of Applied Psychology (FT50).?Advance online publication.?
- Yoon, S.*, Koopman, J., Dimotakis, N., Simon, L. S., Liang, L. H., Ni, D., Zheng, X., Fu, S. (Q.), Lee, Y. E., Tang, P. M., Ng, C. T. S., Bush, J. T., Darden, T. R., Forrester, J. K., Tepper, B. J.,?& Brown, D. J. (2023). Consistent and low is the only way to go: A polynomial regression approach to the effect of abusive supervision inconsistency.?Journal of Applied Psychology (FT50).?Advance online publication.?
- Ni, D., Zheng, X. M.*, & Liang, L. H. (2022).?Rethinking the role of team mindfulness in team relationship?conflict: A conflict management perspective.?Journal of?Organizational Behavior, 43(5), 878-891.
- Ni, D., Yang, M.*, & Chen, W.* (2024). A dual‐path model of observers' responses to peer voice endorsement: The role of instrumental attribution. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(1), 39-56.
- Ni, D., Wu, W.*, Wu, S., Zhang, Y., Chen, C., & Zhang, R. (2024). Adopting underdogs' ideas triggers fairness? When and how underachievers' voice endorsement promotes team voice.?Journal of Organizational Behavior,?45(8), 1287-1305.?
- Ni, D., & Zheng, X.* (2024). Do proactive peers inhibit employee innovative behavior? The roles of team cooperative climate and sense of power.?Journal of Vocational Behavior,?152, 104017.
- Ni, D., & Zheng, X.* (2023). Does negative performance feedback always lead to negative responses? The role of trust in the leader. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. Advance online publication.?
- Zheng, X.#, Ni, D.#, Liu, X.*, & Zhang, M. (2022). A mixed blessing? State mindfulness change, ego depletion and counterproductive work behaviour.?Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(2), 308-331.
- Ni, D.#, Song, J. W.#, Zheng, X. M.*, Zhu, J. L., Zhang, M. Y., & Xu, L. X. (2022).?Extending a helping hand: How receiving gratitude makes a difference in employee performance during a crisis.?Journal of Business Research, 149, 967-982.
- Wu, W.#, Ni, D.#, Wu, S. X., Lu, L.*, Zhang, X. J.*, & Hao, S. Y. (2021). Envy climate and group performance in full-service hotels: The roles of intragroup relationship conflict and competitive climate. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(10), 3494-3513.
- Liu, X., Zheng, X. M.,?Ni, D.*, & Harms, P. D. (2022). Employee voice and coworker support: The roles of employee job demands and coworker voice expectation.?Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(7), 1271-1286.
- Wu, W., Zhang, Y. H., Ni, D.*, Li, S., Wu, S. X., Yu, Z. Y., Du, Q. Y., & Zhang, X. Y. (2022).?The relationship between idiosyncratic deals and employee workplace deviance: The moderating role of exchange ideology. Journal of Vocational Behavior,?135, 103726.
- Ni, D., Yang, M.*, Luo, S., & Chen, W.* (2024). A third-party perspective for examining employee reactions to witnessing coworker incivility towards customers. Journal of Business Research, Advance online publication.?
- Ni, D., Liu, X.*, & Zheng, X. (2024). Render good for evil? The relationship between customer mistreatment and customer-oriented citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research.?Advance online publication.?
- Zheng, X. M., Ni, D., Liu, X.*, & Liang, L. H. (2022). Workplace mindfulness: Multidimensional model, scale development and validation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38(4), 777-801.
- Song, L. Jiwen#, Ni, D.#*, Zhu, J.#*, Zheng, X., & Zhu, L. (2024). Servant Leadership and Employee Gratitude: The Moderating Role of Employee Narcissism. Journal of Business and Psychology. Advance online publication.?
- Zheng, X. M.#, Ni, D.#, Zhu, J. L.*, Song, L. J., Liu, X.-Y., & Johnson, R. E. (2022). Be mindful in love: Exploring the interpersonal effects of spouse mindfulness on employee work and family outcomes. Applied Psychology, 71(2), 612-639.
- Wu, S. X.#, Kee, D. M. H.#, Wu, W.#, Ni, D.#, & Deng, H.#* (2022). Challenging your boss with safe words: Newcomers’ voice, supervisors’ responses, and socialization outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 138, 103772.
- Ni, D., Li, N., Zheng, X. M.*?(2022). Why do women entrepreneurs behave dominantly in the workplace, and what does it mean?: A family embeddedness perspective. Group & Organization Management.?Advance online publication.
- Liu, X., Mao, J.-Y., Zheng, X. M.*, Ni, D., & Harms, P. (2022). When and why narcissism leads to taking charge: Coworker narcissism and employee comparative identity.?Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(4), 758-787.
- Liu, X., Zhang, Y.*, Chen, W.,* Li, W. D., & Ni, D. (2022). Bringing contribution–receipt (im) balance to team–member exchange research: A moderated mediation model.?Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(4), 621-642.
- Liu, X., Zheng, X. M., Yu, Y.*, Owens, B. P.,?& Ni, D. (2022). How and when team average individual?mindfulness facilitates team mindfulness: The roles of team?relational stress and team individual mindfulness diversity.?Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(3), 430-447.
- Shen, W.*, Liang, L. H., Brown, D. J., Ni, D., & Zheng, X. M. (2021). Subordinate poor performance as a stressor?on leader well-being: The mediating role of abusive supervision and the moderating role of motives for abuse.?Journal of?Occupational Health Psychology, 26(6), 491-506.
- Zheng, X. M.#, Liu, X.#*, Liao, H.#, Qin, X.#, & Ni, D. (2022). How and when top manager authentic leadership influences team voice: A moderated mediation model.?Journal of Business Research,?145, 144-155.
- 张静, 南秀燕, & 倪丹*. (2023). 资源保存理论视角下员工特质正念对主动行为的影响机制研究. 管理学报, 20(6), 846-855.
- 倪丹, 刘琛琳, & 郑晓明*. (2021). 员工正念对配偶家庭满意度和工作投入的影响. 心理学报, 53(2), 199-214.
- 倪丹, & 郑晓明*. (2018). 辱虐管理对道德推脱的影响: 基于自我调节理论. 科学学与科学技术管理, 39(7):144-159.
- 倪丹, 郑晓明, 刘鑫*, & 张梦怡. (2021). 团队正念如何及何时影响团队有效性——以制造行业A公司为例. 科学学与科学技术管理, 42(6), 164-186.
- 邬文兵, 邓慧, 武文*, 倪丹, 张熠华. (2021). 主管工作之余的经历对其辱虐管理的影响研究. 管理评论, 33(7), 227-236.
- 张静, 宋继文*, 郑晓明, & 倪丹. (2018). 基于调节性中介模型的领导与下属特质正念对工作投入的影响研究. 管理学报, 15(11), 1629-1637.
- 郑晓明, & 倪丹*. (2018). 组织管理中正念研究述评. 管理评论, 30(10), 153-168.
- 郑晓明, 倪丹, & 刘鑫*. (2019). 基于体验抽样法的正念对工作-家庭增益的影响研究. 管理学报, 16(3), 360-368.