梁剑平教授,博士生导师,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才,现任麻花传MDR免费版陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心主任及项目负责人,惭叠础项目学术主任,市场学教研室副主任,研究生教育与学位专委会委员,学院工会委员,Asian Case Research Journal副主编(Associate Editor),International Journal of Tourism Research(SSCI Q1)编委会委员,中国工商管理国际案例库学科主编,获加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario,又名韦仕敦大学 Western University)毅伟(Ivey)商学院工商管理博士学位(导师:June Cotte教授、现任UTD24营销顶刊Journal of Consumer Research的共同主编,曾任Association of Consumer Research的主席;Kyle B. Murray教授, 曾任University of Alberta商学院的代理院长Acting Dean;论文委员会主席:Mark Vandenbosch教授,曾任Ivey商学院的代理院长Acting Dean)。曾于美国哈佛商学院(HBS)、密西根大学罗斯(Ross)商学院、百森(Babson)商学院等世界著名高校学习访问。“瞭望智库专家库”(国家级在线智库平台)的首批入驻专家。作为博导已独立指导两名博士生毕业,两位都已入选中山大学“百人计划”留校任职助理教授。参与指导和合作的博士生毕业后入职中山大学、南开大学、华南理工大学、兰州大学、中国矿业大学等985、211和双一流知名高校。曾指导的本科生获得耶鲁大学、伦敦政经(LSE)、墨尔本大学、新加坡国立、北京大学、清华大学、香港大学、香港中文大学、香港科技大学、上海交通大学、复旦大学、香港城市大学等国内外知名高校录取。
研究兴趣包括认知与情绪、社会促进(亲社会、亲环境等)行为、营销与新技术(数智化、人工智能、机器人等)、品牌管理、文化及社会影响等。在UTD24顶刊JCR发表全球第一篇对于产物偏好性别差异的世俗信念的营销论文,在FT50顶刊JCP引入并发表全球第一篇对于INSPIRATION的营销论文,在酒店旅游顶刊JHTR发表对于HOTEL INSPIRATION的论文入选 ESI 全球 TOP 1% 高被引论文。多篇论文在国内外顶级及知名学术期刊上已发表或被接收(列出近5年最高排名和索引),包括Journal of Consumer Research (UTD24和FT50营销顶刊,SSCI Q1,AJG/ABS4*)、Journal of Consumer Psychology (FT50营销顶刊, SSCI Q1, AJG/ABS4*)、Journal of Travel Research (旅游顶刊, SSCI Q1, AJG/ABS4)、Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (酒店旅游顶刊,SSCI Q1)、Journal of Business Research (SSCI Q1,AJG/ABS3)、Internet Research (SSCI Q1, AJG/ABS3)、Psychology & Marketing (SSCI Q1, AJG/ABS3)、Current Psychology (SSCI Q1,2篇)、Journal of Product & Brand Management (SSCI Q1,ABDC A级期刊)、Journal of Consumer Behaviour (SSCI Q2, ABDC A级期刊,2篇)、南开管理评论(CSSCI)、管理学报(CSSCI)、商业经济与管理(CSSCI)、情报杂志(CSSCI)等。所著案例被哈佛商学院(8篇)与毅伟商学院(8篇)两大国际顶级案例库收录及全球发行,并翻译出版多篇哈佛商学院畅销案例(3篇)。作为主编已编著出版案例书籍3本(经济科学出版社,其中合著案例十多篇),作为副主编出版案例书籍1本(中山大学出版社)。
受邀担任教育部-哈佛案例翻译工作专家组成员、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心第五轮学科评估工作专家、 教育部论文外审专家、广东省国资委十四五规划评估项目成员、广州市全面优化营商环境资委会委员、粤港澳高校市场营销研究联盟秘书长、 粤港澳高校工商管理案例联盟(筹) 发起人、《管理世界》“高校学术研究服务国家发展大局” 特邀专家团成员及外审专家、中国工商管理国际案例库学科主编、北京大学光华管理学院案例中心案例评审专家、香港岭南大学硕士和博士学位项目外审专家、全国百优案例评审委员、中国银行经典案例评审委员会外部专家、中国管理现代化研究会营销专业委员会常务理事、管理案例研究专业委员会委员、中国高校市场学研究会常务理事、中国高校市场学会案例教学与研究专业委员会副主任、博士生工作指导委员会首届委员,中国教育发展战略学会学术桥专家库专家、全国工商管理案例精英赛总决赛评委、佛山市科技金融协会专家库专家等。
1. 符合条件的优秀学者可申请转聘为中山大学副教授,无名额限制;或者推荐到其他高校、科研院所、公司任职。
2. 广东省对出站后留粤工作的专职研究人员提供额外的住房补贴和资助计划
1. 提交个人简历(包括学习、工作经历和学术情况)和一段个人情况综述(文件名:姓名+简历)
2. 若初审合格,需进一步提供相关支撑材料,包括代表性论文、获奖证明、推荐信等反映申请人研究能力、学术水平的电子版资料(文件名:姓名+申请附件)
2005.09-2009.07,加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)毅伟商学院(Ivey Business School) ,工商管理(市场营销方向)博士
2001.09-2003.09,加拿大圭尔夫大学 (University of Guelph) ,消费者研究理学硕士
2024.04 --, 麻花传MDR免费版,教授
2024.07 --,?麻花传MDR免费版惭叠础项目学术主任
2024.08 --,麻花传MDR免费版研究生教育与学位专委会委员
2024.06 --,麻花传MDR免费版市场学教研室副主任
2020.06 --,麻花传MDR免费版市场学教研室副主任
2019 --,?Asian Case Research Journal,副主编(Associate Editor)
2019 --,?International Journal of Inventory Research,客座主编(Guest Editor, Case Studies)
2018--,陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心项目负责人及中心主任(Principle Investigator and Director, CHAN Sui-Kau Asia-Pacific Case Development and Research Center)
2013--2017,陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心项目负责人及中心副主任(Principle Investigator and Deputy Director, CHAN Sui-Kau Asia-Pacific Case Development and Research Center)
2017.04 -- ,麻花传MDR免费版工会委员
2016.06-- , 中国高校市场学研究会博士生工作指导委员会首届委员
2015.07-2019.07, 中国高校市场学研究会第十届理事
2015-2016,美国哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)GLOCOLL, United States
2013, 美国百森学院 (Babson College) TETA II, United States
2012年,美国密歇根大学 (University of Michigan Ann Arbor) 罗斯商学院 (Ross Business School) 访问学者(Visiting Scholar)
2005-2009, Research Assistant, Richard Ivey School of Business, UWO, Canada
2005-2007, Teaching Assistant, Richard Ivey School of Business, UWO, Canada
2006-2008, Director of Participant Pool Development, JDM Research Lab, Richard Ivey School of Business, UWO, Canada,
2007-2008, PhD Students’ Association Executive, Ivey Business School, UWO
2003-2005, Marketing Administrator and Pricing Specialist, Vita-Tech Canada (now IDEXX Laboratories, NASDAQ: IDXX), Markham, Canada
2002, Research Assistant, Department of Consumer Studies, University of Guelph??
2001-2003,?Teaching Assistant, Department of Consumer Studies, University of Guelph?
出版物 (*通讯作者)
63.?Leilei?Guo,?Jianping?Liang*,?Yu?Yu (2024), "Inspiration and consumer patience in intertemporal choice: A moderated mediation model of meaning in life and regulatory focus,"?Journal of Business Research,?Volume 180, July 2024, 114733 (SSCI Q1,AJG/ABS3,2023 Impact Factor: 11.3)?(Google Scholar Citation: 1 time)
62.?Jianping Liang, Suying Wang, Huaxi Li, Hubert Pun, Jing Chen (2024), "Outland: Developing Crypto Art Community Brand Culture through NFTs,"?Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行),? W34898 (案例编号)
61.?Jianping Liang, Suying Wang, Ben Haobin Ye*, Vincent Wing Sun Tung, Ruixia Li and Leilei Guo (2024), "Hotel Inspiration: How the Substantive Servicescape Inspires Customer Satisfaction,"?Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (SSCI Q1, 酒店旅游顶刊,Impact Factor: 4.2 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 5.0)(Google Scholar Citation: 7 times;2024年ESI 全球 TOP 1% 高被引论文)
60.?Leilei Guo, Jianping Liang*, Yanshan Huang and Juncheng Shang (2023), "The impact of the cuteness of service robots on consumers’ interaction willingness,"?Current Psychology (SSCI, Q1, 2021 Impact Factor: 4.297)(Google Scholar Citation: 5 times)
59.?Xianchi Dai, Yu (Anna) Lin, Jianping Liang*, and Chen Yang (2023), "Appearance for Females, Functionality for Males? The False Lay Belief about Gender Difference in Product Preference,"?Journal of Consumer Research (UTD24和FT50营销顶刊,SSCI Q1,AJG/ABS4*,2022 Impact Factor: 7.2 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 10.5)?(Google Scholar Citation: 18 times)
58.?Yu Yu, Bing Pan, RanRan Cui, Jianping Liang*, Jifei Wu (2023), "Cultural Mindsets Matter: Reexamining the End Effect in Tourism Experiences,"?Journal of Travel Research(SSCI, Q1, 旅游顶刊, AJG/ABS4, 2022 Impact Factor: 8.9 / 5-Year Impact Factor: 10.0)(Google Scholar Citation: 2 times)
57.?Leilei Guo, Zihan Wang, Jianping Liang* (2023), "Exposure to nature increases the intention to reduce food waste: A moderated mediation model of self-transcendence and openness to experience,"?Current Psychology (SSCI, Q1, 2021 Impact Factor: 4.297)(Google Scholar Citation: 6 times)
56.?Wei Li, Jing Chen, Hubert Pun, Jianping Liang* (2023), "Alibaba: Carbon Reduction Initiatives,"?Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行),? W31998 (案例编号)
55.?刘招斌,杨辰,黄晓明,马建, 梁剑平* (2022),“需求和技术联合驱动的技术机会分析”,情报杂志,1-7。(CSSCI)(中国知网被引:4次)
54.?Jianping Liang, HUBERT PUN, TAIYUAN WANG, and ROGER WANG (2022), “The Tencent LeXiang Forum: From Employee Voice to Continuous Innovation,”? Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行),? W26112 (案例编号)
53.?Tian Wei*, Michael N. Young*, and?Jianping Liang* (2021), “Exploring New Business Practices in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Asian Case Research Journal, 25, 4, 359-367. (ESCI)
52.?尹珏林,张文祥,宋伟,孙志扬,徐晔,刘禹,梁剑平*(通讯作者)(2021),“中国银行精准扶贫之路,”首届中国特色社会主义理论与中国管理实践相结合案例大赛,一等奖(唯一) ,中山大学陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心案例库收录。
51.?梁剑平,聂康,廖平,曹春方,刘静艳 (2021), “广州发展的绿色能源创新转型之路,”首届中国特色社会主义理论与中国管理实践相结合案例大赛二等奖(唯二),中山大学陈瑞球亚太案例开发与研究中心案例库收录。
50.?WEI LI ,JUNFENG TIAN, Jianping Liang*(通讯作者), JING CHEN, and HUBERT PUN (2021), “Kuaishou Developing a Livestreaming E-Commerce Business,”? Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行),? W26400 (案例编号).
49.?Li-Qun Wei*, Derek Lehmberg*, Vishal Gupta*, Michael N. Young*, Colette Southam*, and Jianping Liang*(共同通讯) (2020), “From the New Editorial Team: PublishingQuality Teaching Cases,” ASIAN CASE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 24, 1, IX-XVII. (ESCI) (Google Scholar Citation: 4 times)
48. Liang, Jianping and Leilei Guo* (2021), "Gratitude and sustainable consumer behavior: A moderated mediation model of time discounting and connectedness to the future self," Psychology & Marketing,?Volume 38,?Issue 8, 1238-1249. (2024 SSCI Q1, Impact Factor: 8.9)?(Google Scholar Citation: 27 times)
47.?梁剑平,武亮*,容家希 (2021), "网络口碑如何促进购买意愿?基于消费者鼓舞的被调节中介模型",商业经济与管理,第2期(总第 352?期),56-67。(CSSCI)(中国知网被引:48次)
46. Hubert Pun, Jianping Liang*, Jing Chen, Roger Wang, and Huaxi Li (2020), "TCLK: Blockchain-Powered Information Platform,"??Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行), 9B20M159 (毅伟案例编号)/??W20806-PDF-ENG(哈佛案例编号).
45. 梁剑平,郭蕾蕾*,刘招斌(2020),“偶发的敬畏情绪会激励人们捐赠吗?”(Will Incidental Awe Inspire People to Donate),东北大学学报(社会科学版),第22卷第4期,38-46。(CSSCI)(中国知网被引:10次)
44.?Kenith Poon, Jing Chen, Jianping Liang*, Hubert Pun, Huaxi Li (2020), "A Note on China’s Approach to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Application in the Games Industry: Coco Game Currency,"?Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行), 9B20M071 (毅伟案例编号)/?W20285-PDF-ENG(哈佛案例编号).
43.?Kenith Poon, Hubert Pun, Jianping Liang*, Jing Chen (2020), "Chow Tai Fook: Blockchain for the Diamond Industry,"? Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行), 9B20M033 (毅伟案例编号)/?W20143-PDF-ENG?(哈佛案例编号).
42.?Liang, Jianping, Hongyan Jiang?and June Cotte (2019), “ Upward intergenerational influences on parents' innovativeness and innovation adoption: A comparative study of single‐ and multiple‐child families,”?Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 18, 350-359.? (2024 SSCI Q2, Impact Factor: 4.4)?(Google Scholar Citation: 2 times)
41.?武亮,梁剑平*,于洪彦(2019),“基于“互联网 + ”的商业集聚吸引力 ———维度构建与对渠道迁徙的影响“,哈尔滨商业大学学报(社会科学版),第 6 期 总第 169 期,88-111。(CSSCI)(中国知网被引:5次)
40.?Liang, Jianping*, Hubert Pun, and Jing Chen (2018), “Yangtzekiang Garment Group Company:Challenges And Opportunities In Transformation,” Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行), 9B18D001(毅伟案例编号) /??W18016-PDF-ENG?(哈佛案例编号).
38.?武亮,梁剑平*(2018),”中国实体零售业线上线下的协同创新: 困境、经验与策略“,改革与战略,第34卷第12期,83-89。(中国知网被引:15次)
37.?Liang, Jianping*, Zengxiang Chen, and Jing Lei (2017), “Inspirational Appeals Are More Effective: The Influence of Strength Emotions on Persuasion and Donation,” Rutgers Business Review, 2 (2), 212-216.?(Google Scholar Citation: 1 time)
36.?Liang, Jianping*, Hubert Pun, and Jing Chen (2017), “Paper Stone: Building A Bakery Industry Luxury Brand,” Case and Teaching Note (案例及教学笔记), Harvard Business School/Ivey Business School Publishing (被全球两大案例库-哈佛商学院和毅伟商学院案例库收录及发行), 9B17M094(毅伟编号)/?W17376(哈佛编号).
35.?Liang, Jianping*, Zengxiang Chen, and Jing Lei (2016), “Inspire Me to Donate: The Use of Strength Emotion in Donation Appeals,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 26, Issue 2, April, Pages 283–288.? (*corresponding author) (A级刊物,Financial Times Ranking Top Journal《金融时报》 顶级刊物; 2024 SSCI Impact Factor: 4) (Google Scholar Citation: 164 times)
34.?Jiang, Hongyan, Jianping Liang*, Haizhong Wang, and Peizhen Sun (2016), “The Interplay of Emotions, Elaboration, and Ambivalence on Attitude–Behavior Consistency,” Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 126-135. (*corresponding author) (2024 SSCI Q2, Impact Factor: 4.4) (Google Scholar Citation: 33 times)
33.?Liang, Jianping*, Jing’an Tang, and Ben Liu (2015), “Characteristics and Performance of Foreign Direct Investment in Retails Trade: The Case of Japanese Firms”, Journal of Comparative International Management, Vol.18, No.1,47-65. (*corresponding author)?(Google Scholar Citation: 1?times)
32.?柳武妹,梁剑平* (2015), “选择红色还是蓝色?背景色彩影响视觉新产物评估的现象、中介及边界机制探讨”,《南开管理评论》,第18卷第5期,97-109。(*通讯作者)(CSSCI,中国知网被引:50次)
31.?王子鉴,梁剑平,于洪彦(2012),“顾客体验的溢出效应:信息线索和行为主体视角的影响”,《中大管理研究》(现《管理学季刊》),2012年第7卷(3), 68-85。(CSSCI)
30.?王骏旸,王海忠,梁剑平,陈增祥 (2011), “品牌原产地联结的时空维度对负面信息的抑制作用”, 《中大管理研究》(现《管理学季刊》),2011年第6卷(3), 1-14。(CSSCI)
29.?Murray, Kyle. B., Jianping Liang, and Gerald H?ubl (2010), “ACT2.0: The Next Generation of Assistive Consumer Technology Research,” Internet Research, 20 (3), 232-254 (Lead article; SSCI/SCI Q1; 2020 Impact Factor: 6.773). (Google Scholar Citation: 49 times)
28.?Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2006), “Price Endings: Magic and Math,” Journal of Product & Brand Management, Special Issue: Strategic Pricing, 15 (6), 377-385. (Google Scholar Citation: 41 times) (SSCI Q1, 2024?Impact Factor: 5.2)
27.?Liang, Jianping*, Zengxiang Chen, and Jing Lei (2017),The Influences of Morality-Irrelevant Inspiration on the Two Faces of Morality Behavior, Advances in Consumer Research, 2017, in press
26.?Liang, Jianping*, Guimei Hu, and Haizhong Wang (2017), How Can Logo Make An Inspirational Brand? Advances in Consumer Research, 2017, in press
25.?Liang, Jianping, Hongyan Jiang and June Cotte (2013), “Upward Intergenerational Influences on Innovation Diffusion: The Impact of Lay Theories of Innovativeness on Innovation for Parents,” AMA 2013 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference Proceedings, Rebecca Slotegraaf and David Griffith, Conference Co-Chairs.
24.?Liang, Jianping and Hongyan Jiang (2012), “Innovation for Your Parents? The Impact of Lay Theories of Innovativeness on Upward Intergenerational Gift Giving,” Advances in Consumer Research , Vol. XXXIIX.
23.?Liang, Jianping, Jing’an Tang, and Ben Liu (2012), “Characteristics and Performance of Foreign Direct Investment in Retails Trade: The Case of Japanese Firms”, Proceedings of Academy of International Business (AIB) – U.S. North East Chapter.
22.?Liang, Jianping, Zengxiang Chen, Haizhong Wang, and Kyle B. Murray (2012), “A Cross-Cultural Investigation of the Positivity Effect,” Proceedings of the 2012 Winter AMA Marketing Educators' Conference, John Stuart Hulland, Sundar Bharadwaj, Conference Co-Chairs.
21.?Liang, Jianping (2011), “The Different Effects of Lay Theory of Gender Differences on Gift Shopping Behavior,” in Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, Rebecca K. Ratner (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research , Vol. XXXIX.
20.?Liang, Jianping and Zengxiang Chen (2011), “Affect Evaluation or Regulation in Visual Art Consumption? The Influence of Pure and Mixed Emotions,” in Rohini Ahluwalia, Tanya L. Chartrand, Rebecca K. Ratner (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research , Vol. XXXIX.
19.?Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2010), “Gender Differences in Responding to Form and Function,” in Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVIII.
18.?Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2010), “The Interplay between Form, Function, and Expertise in Consumer Choice,” in Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVIII.
17.?Liang, Jianping, Zengxiang Chen, Haizhong Wang, and Kyle B. Murray (2010), “Is There a Universal Positivity Effect? A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” in Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar and Stijn M. J. van Osselaer (eds.), Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. XXXVIII.
16.?Liang, Jianping and June Cotte (2009), "An Investigation of College Students’ Influence on Parents’ Innovation Adoption," in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 36, eds. Ann L. McGill and Sharon Shavitt, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.
15.?Jiang, Hongyan, Jianping Liang, and Haizhong Wang (2010), “Attitudinal Ambivalence in Behavioral Prediction: The Moderation of Elaboration and Emotion,” Proceedings of the 2010 JMS Annual Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Chinese Marketing, Beijing, China.
14.?Wang, Junyang, Jianping Liang, and Haizhong Wang (2010), “Local Brand or Nationwide Brand: The Effects of Brand Relationship Dimensions and Psychological Distance on Brand Attitude,” Proceedings of the 2010 JMS Annual Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Chinese Marketing, Beijing, China.
13.?Wang, Zijian, Jianping Liang, Hongyan Yu, and Xiaozhi Huang (2010), “Spillover Effect of Gain-and-Lost Feeing: The Mediation Effect of Diagnosticity and Moderation Effect of Self-serving Bias,” Proceedings of the 2010 JMS Annual Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Chinese Marketing, Beijing, China.
12.?Chen, Zengxiang, Haizhong Wang, Jianping Liang, and Guangyu Yang (2009), “How Consumers Deal with Brand Scandal: The Moderating Roles of Brand Commitment and Modes of Thinking,” Proceedings of the 2009 JMS Annual Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Chinese Marketing, Tianjin, China
11.?Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2009), "The Interplay between Form, Function and Consumer Expertise in New Product Adoptions," Advances in Consumer Psychology (Selection from SCP Dissertation Proposal Global Competition), Vol. I, eds. Alexander Chernev, Michal Herzenstein, and Shailendra Pratap Jain, San Diego: Society of Consumer Psychology.
10.?Murray, Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang (2007), "Practice, Perceived Quality, and Consumer Choice," Proceedings of the 2007 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, ed. Morad Benyoucef, Ontario, Canada: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
9.?Liang, Jianping and June Cotte (2007), "When the Influencer Becomes the Influenced: An Exploratory Study of Young Adults’ Influence on Parents’ Innovation Adoption," Proceedings of the 2007 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, ed. Morad Benyoucef, Ontario, Canada: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.
8.?Murray, Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang (2007), "Practice, Perceived Quality, and Consumer Choice," Proceedings of the Society of Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, eds. Dawn Lerman and David Luna, Las Vegas: Society of Consumer Psychology.
7.?Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2004), "Price Endings: Magic and Math," Proceedings of the 7th Annual Fordham Pricing Conference, eds. Hooman Estelami and Sarah Maxwell, New York: Fordham Pricing Center.
6.?Chen, J., May Aung, Jianping Liang and Ou Sha (2004), "The Dream Market: An Exploratory Study of Gay Professional Consumers’ Homosexual Identities and Their Fashion Involvement and Buying Behaviour," Gender and Consumer Behavior, Volume 7, eds. Linda Scott and Craig Thompson, Valdosta, GA: Association for Consumer Research.
5.?Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2003), “Image Effects in the Price Endings: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings of the 6th Annual Fordham Pricing Conference, eds. Hooman Estelami and Sarah Maxwell, New York: Fordham Pricing Center.
4.?Liang, Jianping (2007), CaseMate for the Textbook, “Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel (2006), Consumer Behaviour, 10th Edition, Thomson (South-Western),” Ivey Publishing. – (world wide distribution).
3.?Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2007), "SMART Co-operative Marketing," NO.9B06A030, Ivey Business School Case, Ivey Publishing (used as course material in HBA 411 Retail Marketing Management). – (world wide distribution).
2.?Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2007), "Teaching Note: SMART Co-operative Marketing," NO.8B06A030, Ivey Business School Teaching Note, Ivey Publishing. – (world wide distribution).
1.?Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2006), “Price Point Endings," Pricing for Researchers e-Bulletin, March, Pricing Solutions Division, The Advantage Group Inc., Toronto. – (world wide distribution).
4. 李善民、刘静艳、梁剑平(2022)主编,《创新理论指导与中国公司管理实践案例精选》,经济科学出版社,中国财经出版传媒集团,中国北京。
3. 梁剑平 (2020) 主编,《全球视野 本土智慧--中国商业管理案例精选》,经济科学出版社,中国财经出版传媒集团,中国北京。
2. Jianping Liang, Jing Chen, Hubert Pun? (2019), Improving the Competitiveness of Chinese Companies-Selected Chinese Business Administration Cases , Beijing, China: Economic Science Press. (《提升中国公司竞争力-工商管理精选案例集》,编著:梁剑平、陈静、潘兆铭;经济科学出版社,中国财经出版传媒集团,中国北京。)?
1. Chen, Zhuming, Hang Zhu, Guanghua Tang, Jianping Liang (2013), Cases Research in Business Administration – Special Issue for the EMBA Ten Year Anniversary at Sun Yat-sen Business School, Guangzhou, China: Publisher of Sun Yat-sen University. (《中山大学管理案例研究-EMBA十周年专辑》,主编:陈珠明,朱沆;副主编:汤光华,梁剑平;中山大学出版社, 中国广州。)?
3. John A. Quelch, Margaret Rodriguez, “Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer Analytics(卡罗莱纳医疗保健系统:消费者分析),” Apr 14, 2015 (Revised: Sep 8, 2015), Harvard Business School, 515060-PDF-ENG (中文版:梁剑平等翻译,案例及教学笔记,2020年9月哈佛商学院收录并上线)
2. Robert J. Dolan, Donald Ngwe, “Planters Nuts(绅士坚果),” Aug 24, 2015 (Revised: Mar 3, 2017), Harvard Business School, 516004-PDF-ENG(中文版:梁剑平等翻译,案例及教学笔记,2020年9月哈佛商学院收录并上线)
1. Elie Ofek, Nobuo Sato, Akiko Kanno, “ASICS: Chasing a 2020 Vision(亚瑟士:追梦2020),” Oct 28, 2016 (Revised: Apr 24, 2018), Harvard Business School, 517060-PDF-ENG (中文版:梁剑平等翻译,案例及教学笔记, 2020年9月哈佛商学院收录并上线)
33. ?? 2017.1.1-2020.12.31. 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主持人,“探索鼓舞在市场营销领域的产生、构成及效应机制” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥480,000.) (I am the principle investigator)
32. ?? 2012.1.1-2014.12.31. 中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目主持人,“"教育一个学生,影响一个家庭,辐射整个社会" - “向上”的代际影响对创新产物扩散理论的延伸和修正” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant for Young Researchers, RMB¥220,000.) (I am the principle investigator)(已结题;后评估:优)
31. ?? 2019.1.1-2023.12.31. 中国国家自然科学基金重点项目,子课题主持人,“经济转型与国际化背景下品牌建设的理论创新研究”(Key Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥2,150,000, PI: Haizhong Wang, I am a co-investigator.)
30.? ??2020.01.01.-2021.12.31.?鼓舞( inspiration) 在创新扩散理论中的产生及其作用机制,?项目主持人,中山大学高校基本科研业务费-青年教师重点培育项目
30.? ? 2023.02.01-2025.02.01.?教育部高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目,项目主持人, “腾讯乐享:Web 3.0在组织内部应用的激励、信任、共创机制”
29.? ??2021.10.20.-2022.5.15. 中国银行案例开发与教学一体化研修班项目,项目主持人,中国银行总行(北京)BANK OF CHINA
28.? ??2020.09.28.-2021.12.31. 中国烟草总公司广东省公司, 项目主持人,““二十支” 品牌创新路径的研究与应用”项目
27.? ? 2019.05.01-2022.01.20.?教育部高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目, 项目主持人,“基于腾讯乐享平台演化、 使用行为及提升管理效能的案例研究”
26.? ??2021.09.14.-2022.12.31. 广东国有经济智库建设项目,?项目主要参与人,广东省财政厅、 政府委托( 财政专项)(项目主持人:李善民教授,RMB¥3,000,0000)
25.? ? 2020.09.30.-2024.12.31. 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,"逆全球化下中国品牌原产国效应的差异化形成机制和应对策略研究"?(National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥480,000, PI: Zhuomin Shi, I am a co-investigator.)?
24. ?? 2017.1.1-2020.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“在线品牌社群融入行为的动因与作用机制研究:共创价值理论的视角” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥480,000, PI: Yimin Zhu, I am a co-investigator.)
23. ?? 2016.1.1-2019.12.31中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“它在对我笑吗?动机和情绪双视角下的品牌拟人化、拟人方向及其效应研究” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥475,000, PI: Zengxiang Chen, I am a co-investigator.)
22. ?? 2016.1.1-2019.12.31中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“生态消费中道德冲突的形成及化解机制研究”(National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥460,000, PI: Zhuomin Shi, I am a co-investigator.)
21. ?? 2016.1.1-2019.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“基于时间导向的社会排斥对友好性消费的影响”(National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥450,000, PI: Haizhong Wang, I am a co-investigator.)
20. ?? 2016.1.1-2018.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金青年项目, 项目主要参与人,“正宗品牌的消费者感知、影响因素及其市场认同探究:基于合理性理论视角”(National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant for Young Researchers, RMB¥190,000, PI: Chen Yang, I am a co-investigator.)
19. ?? 2014.1.1-2016.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金青年项目, 项目主要参与人,“心理契约破坏、品牌认同威胁对顾客品牌决策的影响” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥210,000, PI: Hongyan Liu, I am a co-investigator.)?
18. ?? 2013.1.1-2016.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目, 项目主要参与人,“要素品牌资产双层模型建构及内部关系实证:基于B2B2C价值链的视角” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥530,000, PI: He Yun, I am a co-investigator.)
17. ?? 2013.1.1-2015.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 项目主要参与人,“CSR活动中的公司伪善:概念及量表开发” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant for Young Researchers, RMB¥205,000, PI: Wang Jingyi, I am a co-investigator.)
16. ?? 2013.1.1-2015.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,? 项目主要参与人,“扭转青年非理性购买国外品牌的重要途径:基于青年品牌原产国效应的社会塑造机制” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant for Young Researchers, RMB¥200,000, PI: Bing Shi, I am a co-investigator.)
15. ?? 2012 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Grant (CAD$30,447).? 项目主要参与人,“A Multi-country Study of Social Networks”. (Principle Investigator: Arjun Bhardwaj. I am a co-investigator.)
14. ?? 2012.1.1-2015.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“品牌原产国刻板印象反转机制研究——基于刻板表征理论中的亚分组和去个性化模式” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥430,000) (Principle investigator: Haizhong Wang/王海忠)
13.??? 2012.1.1-2015.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目主要参与人,“基于共创价值的互动导向、顾客行为与公司绩效关系的实证研究” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant, RMB¥380,000) (Principle investigator: Hongyan Yu/于洪彦)
12.??? 2012.1.1-2014.12.31 中国国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目主要参与人,“食品安全事件对公众食品消费决策的影响研究:基于恐怖管理的视角” (National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant for Young Researchers, RMB¥185,000) (Principle investigator: Xue Ke/柯学)
11.??? 2011 National “985 Project” Young Faculty Research Grant (I am the principle investigator)
10. ?? 2011.10. Research on Brand Building of Business School, (Principle investigator: Haizhong Wang. I am a research team member.)
9. ? ? 2010 China Aoyuan Property Group Limited (HKEx Stock Code: 3883) Research Project (I am the principle investigator.)
8. ? ? 2010 Course Development Excellence Grant for Course “Social Marketing”, Sun Yat-sen University (Principle Investigator: Yanfeng Zhou. I am a co-investigator.)
7. ? ? 2010-2012 National “985 Project” Research and Start-up Grant (#14000-3181301), “Consumer Judgment and Decision Making in Online and Offline Environment” (I am the principle investigator.)
6. ? ? 2010–2012 Sun Yat-sen School of Business Research and Start-up Grant (#14000-1132012), “Cross-Cultural Investigation of Consumer Judgment and Decision Making” (I am the principle investigator.)
5. ? ? 2010-2011 China Southern Airline Co., Ltd (SSE: 600029, SEHK: 1055, NYSE: ZNH) Research Project (Principle Investigator: Zhuomin Shi. I am a co-investigator.)
4. ? ? 2009 Philosophical and Social Science Key Project of Ministry of Education of China (RMB¥600,000) (#08JZD0019), “Strategic Development of Well-known International Brands in Chinese Firms” (Principle Investigator: Haizhong Wang. I was involved in related research as a coauthor.)
3. ? ? 2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Grant (#411-98-0393) (Principle Investigator: Paul Beamish. I was involved in related research as a coauthor and presented a paper at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference.).
2. ? ? 2005-2009 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Grant (CAD$76,130). “Modifying habits: New product adoptions in markets with established patterns of consumption.” (Principle Investigator: Kyle B. Murray. I was involved as an Assistant Researcher).
1. ? ? 2004-2007 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ($76,800). “Similarity, Predictive Accuracy, and Assumed Similarity: Analyzing Dyads in Marketing and Consumer Research,” (Principal Investigator: June Cotte. Proposal ranked 10th of 137 submitted. I was involved in related research.)
?会议演讲 ?
17. ?? Liang, Jianping and Chen Yang (2015), “An Eye Tracking Study of Product Form and Function Preferences: Actual and Lay Theories of Gender Differences,” Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations, Tokyo, Japan.
16. ?? Liang, Jianping and Chen Yang (2014), “An Eye Tracking Study of Actual and Lay Theories of Gender Differences in Form and Function Trade-off,” Americus Reed and Mark Forehand (eds.), Society of Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, 2014.
15. ?? Liang, Jianping, Zengxiang Chen, and Jill Jing Lei (2014), “Inspire Me to Donate: The Use of Mixed Emotions in Public Service Announcements,” AMA 2013 Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, Gary K. Hunter and Tom Steenburg, Conference Co-Chairs.
14. ?? Liang, Jianping, Hongyan Jiang and June Cotte (2013), “Innovation for Your Parents? The Impact of Lay Theories of Innovativeness on Upward Intergenerational Influences,” 2013 Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC).
13. ?? Liang, Jianping, Hongyan Jiang and June Cotte (2013), “Upward Intergenerational Influences on Parents’ Innovativeness and Innovative Behavior in Single-Child and Non-Single-Child Families,” 2013 Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC).
12. ? Liang, Jianping, Zengxiang Chen, Haizhong Wang, and Kyle B. Murray (2010), Is There a Universal Positivity Effect? A Cross-Cultural Perspective, China India Consumer Insights Conference, Yale School of Management at Yale University and the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
11. ? Murray Kyle B., Robert J. Fisher, and Jianping Liang (2009), The Negative Effects of Irrelevant Retail Changes on Online Shopping Choices, presented at the 18th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
10. ? Liang, Jianping (2009), Graduate Studies – Experience and Suggestion, presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Graduate Programs, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China
9. ? ? Murray Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang?(2008), "Practice, Perceived Quality, and Consumer Choice: The Impact of Service Failures during Online Shopping,presented at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
8. ? ? Liang, Jianping and Paul Beamish (2008), "Characteristics and Performance of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Retail Trade," presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
7. ? ? Liang, Jianping and Kyle B. Murray (2008), “Form and Function in the Adoption of New Products,” presented at the 4th Southern Ontario Behavioral Decision Research (SOBDR) Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
6. ? ? Murray Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang (2007), "Practice, Perceived Quality, and Consumer Choice," presented at the 8th Annual World Congress on the Management of e-Business, Toronto, ON, Canada
5. ?? Murray Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang (2007), "Practice, Perceived Quality, and Consumer Choice," presented at the 3rd annual Southern Ontario Behavioural Decision Research (SOBDR) Conference, Ivey Business School, London, ON, Canada
4. ?? Murray Kyle B., Kersi Antia and Jianping Liang (2006), "Practice: The Construction of Quality Perceptions and Choice Decisions," presented at the INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
3. ?? Liang, Jianping (2006), "What Is Missing: A Review of Innovation Diffusion Research in Five Major Marketing Journals from 1985-2005," presented at the 3rd Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2. ?? Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2003), “Image Effects in the Price Endings: An Empirical Study,” invited to present at the Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies, University of Guelph, ON, Canada
1. ?? Liang, Jianping and Vinay Kanetkar (2003), “Price Endings: Magic or Math?” presented at the 16th Annual PriceX Conference, Chicago, IL, USA
Reviewer: Journal of Consumer Research (Top marketing journal and SSCI journal), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (SSCI journal), Asian Case Research Journal (SSCI journal), Journal of Marketing Science (Top marketing journal in China), Association of Consumer Research (Top global association), Society of Consumer Psychology (Top global society), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Top national association), JMS Conference (top national conference)
Examiner: Undergraduate Thesis (supervisor and oral examiner), MBA Entrance Examination (oral exam), MBA Dissertation (oral exam), Master’s Program Entrance Examination (written and oral exams), Ph.D. Program Entrance Examination (written examiner), Sun Yat-sen University
External Faculty Member: Engaging Emerging Markets, Cross-Enterprise Research Centre, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
Research Faculty Member: China Brand Research Center (CBC), School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Member: Association of Consumer Research (Top global association), Society of Consumer Psychology (Top global society), INFORMS Society of Marketing Science (Top global society), Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Top national association), American Marketing Association (Top global association)
Judge: The 7th Citigroup Forum of Financial Product Research Competition, 2010; the 8th Procter & Gamble Brand Building Competition, 2011
Coordinator: Academic Discipline Development Group, Department of Marketing, Sun Yat-sen Business School; 2011 Journal of Marketing Science Annual Conference
2011-2015??? Who’s Who in the World (28th- 32nd Edition), United States of America?
2010.11. ???? Excellence Award (2nd place), the 6th Annual Faculty Chorus and Dancing Competition, Sun Yat-sen University?
[57] 2023年度麻花传MDR免费版十大新闻(负责其中两项新闻的活动),2023
[56] 优秀指导教师,2023校级优秀学生社团,中山大学工商管理案例研究学会,2023
[55] 优秀指导教师,汇丰商业案例大赛南区冠军,HSBC Asia-Pacific Business Case Competition, Best Team from South China,2023
[54] 优秀指导老师奖,麻花传MDR免费版本科生论文大赛,2023
[53] 优秀指导教师奖,麻花传MDR免费版本科生论文大赛,2021
[52]?何氏教育基金“杰出教学贡献奖”, Sun Yat-sen University, 2021
[51] 二等奖,中国高校市场学研究会(国家一级学会),2021
[49] 二等奖,中山大学校级教学成果奖,2021
[45] 2020年度中山大学校级优秀教师,Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2020
[44]?2019 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Marketing Science, 2020
[43] 2019年度中山大学校级优秀教师,Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2019
[42] 何氏教育基金“杰出教学贡献奖”, Sun Yat-sen University, 2018
[41] 2018年度中山大学校级优秀教师,Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2018
[40] Coach, the 6th CMCC?National MBA Business Case Competition (第六届“森宇双童杯”全国管理案例精英赛全国总决赛), Third Place?(全国第三名,季军:“Batman队”),2018
[39] Best Coach Award, the 6th CMCC?South China MBA Business Case Competition (第六届“蒙太奇传媒杯”全国MBA管理案例精英赛华南赛区),? First Place (冠军:“Batman队”) and Third Place (季军:“八重奏队”), 2018
[38] 2017年度中山大学校级优秀教师,Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2017
[37] Coach, HSBC?Business Case Competition,?Second Place (亚军),2017
[36] Co-Coach, the 5th CMCC?South China MBA Business Case Competition (第五届全国MBA管理案例精英赛华南赛区),??Third Place (季军),2017
[35] Best Coach Award, the 4th CMCC?National MBA Business Case Competition (第四届全国管理案例精英赛全国总决赛), Second Place?(全国第二名,亚军:“冲上云霄队”),2016
[34] Co-Coach, the 4th CMCC?South China MBA Business Case Competition (第四届全国MBA管理案例精英赛华南赛区), First Place/Championship?(冠军:“冲上云霄队”) and Third Place (季军:“中大联队”), 2016
[33] Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University,?2015
[32] Coach, HSBC Asia-Pacific Business Case Competition, Best Team from Mainland China, 2015
[31] Coach, HSBC Guangdong Business Case Competition,First Place/Championship, 2015
[30] Coach, HSBC Asia-Pacific Business Case Competition, Best Team from Mainland China, 2015
[29] Coach (指导教师), 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划立项项目 (201410558117), 2014
[28] Excellent Faculty Annual Award, Sun Yat-sen University, 2012
[27] 2011 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Marketing Science, 2012; 2012 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Marketing Science, 2013
[26] Undergraduate Course Teaching Award (A Level), School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2011-2015
[25] Undergraduate Course Teaching Award (Top 3), School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2010-2011
[24] International Conference Travel Grant, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
[23] JMS Travel Grant, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2009-2010
[22] Undergraduate Course Teaching Award, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2009-2015
[21] International Travel Grant, School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University, 2009
[20] Best Paper Award (2nd place), Annual Conference and Doctoral Consortium of Journal of Marketing Science , Tianjin, China, 2009
[19] Ph.D. Plan for Excellence Scholarship, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2005-2009
[18] Ph.D. Research Assistantship, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2005-2009
[17] Ph.D. Travel Grants, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2005-2009.
[16] Outstanding Overseas Alumni Travel Grant, Sun Yat-sen University, China, 2009
[15] Dissertation Research Grant, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2008-2009
[14] Consortium Fellow, American Marketing Association (AMA) Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, University of Missouri, 2008.
[13] The INFORMS Society of Marketing Science (ISMS) Doctoral Consortium, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2008.
[12] Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, Ontario, Canada, 2007-2008.
[11] Connor, Clark & Lunn Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, 2007-2008.
[10] Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Travel Grant Awarded for the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, 2007 and 2008.
[9] The INFORMS Society of Marketing Science (ISMS) Doctoral Consortium, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 2006.
[8]? Nominee in the Best Paper Award and Travel Grant Awarded at the 3rd Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Carleton University, Ottawa, 2006.
[7]? Teaching Assistantship, University of Guelph, 2001-2003.
[6]? Research Assistantship, University of Guelph, 2002-2003.
[5]? Dorothy Britton Memorial Graduate Award, University of Guelph, 2002-2003.
[4]? Board of Graduate Studies University Graduate Scholarships, University of Guelph, 2002-2003.
[3]? Board of Graduate Studies University Graduate Scholarships, University of Guelph, 2001-2002.
[2]? Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis, Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, 2001.
[1]? Excellent Student Scholarship, Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, 1998-1999.