冯灏霖,2009 年5月毕业于美国普渡大学工业工程系,获博士学位。博士毕业后即被中山大学以“百人计划”引进,加入中山大学,现为管理学院副教授, 博士生导师。
浙江大学理学学士, 2004.6
2013年1月至6月,美国麻省理工学院Sloan School of Management,国际教员
数据,模型与决策 (Data, Models and Decisions, 国际MBA 全英文课)
数据分析与决策?(Data Analysis and Decision Making, 国际EMBA 全英文课)
计算机编程语言(MATLAB) (本科生必修课)
商务统计与商务分析 (管理科学-商务分析方向硕士课程必修课)
随机动态规划 (管理科学博士生必修课)?
Outstanding Research Award,?Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, China (2014)
Excellent Faculty Member Award, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, China (2014)
Excellent Faculty Member Award, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, China (2010)
Excellent Teaching Award, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University, China (2010)
Lynn Fellowship, Purdue University, USA (2004)
Excellent Graduate, Chu Kechen Honors College, Zhejiang University, PRC (2004)
Dean’s List 'Shing-shen Chern Scholarship', Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University (2003 & 2004)
- 基于机器学习与数据驱动的医疗运作管理
- 基于机器学习与近似动态规划的库存与物流管理
- 2015.01-2017.12, 国家自然科学基金, 《随机脉冲控制的求解算法研究》,主持人,项目号:71401187, 21万人民币
- 2015.08-2018.08,广东省自然科学基金, 《多产物随机库存系统联合补货策略研究》,主持人,项目号:2015A030313088,10万人民币
- 2021.01-2024.12, 国家自然科学基金, 《患者单次就诊中需接受多次诊疗的门诊预约调度研究》,主持人,项目号:72071217, 49万人民币
- Feng, H., & Muthuraman, K. (2010). A computational method for stochastic impulse control problems. Mathematics of Operations Research, 35(4), 830-850. DOI:
- Mitchell, D., Feng, H.*, & Muthuraman, K. (2014). Impulse control of interest rates. Operations research, 62(3), 602-615.?DOI:
- Feng, H., Wu, Q., Muthuraman, K., & Deshpande, V. (2015). Replenishment policies for multi‐product stochastic inventory systems with correlated demand and joint‐replenishment costs. Production and Operations Management, 24(4), 647-664.?DOI:
- Chockalingam, A., & Feng, H. (2015). The implication of missing the optimal-exercise time of an American option. European Journal of Operational Research, 243(3), 883-896. DOI:?
- Feng, H., Li, Z., Alvarado, M.*, & Colón-Morales, C. M. (2020). A simulation study of outpatient surgery clinic with stochastic patient re-entrance. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,?pp.910-921. DOI:?
- Chen, G., Feng, H.*, Luo, K., & Tang, Y. (2021). Retrieval-oriented storage relocation optimization of an automated storage and retrieval system. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 155, 102508. DOI:?
- Feng, H., Alvarado, M.*, Konda, S., & Lawley, M. (2022). "Sequential Clinical Scheduling with Stochastic Patient Re-entrance: Case of Mohs?Micrographic Surgery",? submitted
- Feng, H., Jia, Y., Zhou, S., Chen, H., & Huang, T.* (2023). A Dataset of Service Time and Related Patient Characteristics from an Outpatient Clinic. Data, 8(3), 47. DOI:
- Jia, Y., Feng, H.*, Wang, X. and Alvarado, M., "“Customer Reviews or Vlogger Reviews?” The Impact of Cross-Platform UGC on the Sales of Experiential Products on E-Commerce Platforms", Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18(3), pp.1257-1282, 2023. DOI:
- Feng, H., Jia, Y., Huang, T.*, Zhou, S., & Chen, H. "An Adaptive Decision Support System for Outpatient?Appointment Scheduling with Heterogeneous Service?times", Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 27731, 2024, DOI:
学术会议/学术报告 (Conferences and Presentations)
- FENG, H., ALVARADO, M., LAWLEY, M., and KONDA, S., “Appointment Scheduling for the Mohs Micrographic Surgery”, 2019 MSOM Annual Meeting,? Singapore, July 2019.
- FENG, H., ALVARADO, M., and LAWLEY, M., “Clinic Scheduling With Patient Re-entrant”, 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting,? Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 2018
- FENG, H., MITCHELL, D., and MUTHURAMAN K., “Stochastic Impulse Control with Applications in Finance”, POMS-HK the 8th Conference, Hong Kong, China, January 2017.
- FENG, H., MITCHELL, D., and MUTHURAMAN K., “Short Rates Control and Implied Yield Curves”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 2012
- FENG, H.? and MUTHURAMAN, K., “Impulse Control of an Ito Diffusion”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 2011
- FENG, H.? and MUTHURAMAN, K., “A Computational Method for Stochastic Impulse Control Problems with Applications in Finance”, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin,TX, 2010
- FENG, H. and MUTHURAMAN, K., “A Computational Method for Stochastic Impulse Control Problems with Applications in Operations Management and Finance,” A seminar in the Department of Decision Sciences, National University of Singapore, 2009
- FENG, H, MUTHURAMAN, K and DESHPANDE, V, “Application of High Performance Computing: Optimal Policies for Multi-Product Stochastic Inventory Systems with Correlated Demand and Joint-Replenishment Costs,” NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Knoxville. 2008
- FENG, H, MUTHURAMAN and DESHPANDE, V, “Optimal Ordering Policies for a Multi-Product Stochastic Inventory System with Joint-Replenishment Setup Costs,” INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh. 2006
Ad hoc reviewer for mainstream?journals including?Operations Research,?Manufacturing & Service Operations Management,?Mathematics of Operations?Research,?Production and Operations Management,?Mathematical Finance,?Journal of Applied Probability, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Research,?Automatica,?Transportation Research Part E,?Operations Research Letters,?IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering.