陈晨,现任麻花传MDR免费版副教授。本科毕业于中山大学逸仙班,于麻花传MDR免费版获公司管理专业博士学位,研究方向为组织行为学。研究兴趣包括(非)伦理行为、领导力、人工智能与伦理等。已在PNAS Nexus、Journal of Applied Psychology、Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes、Journal of Organizational Behavior、Journal of Business and Psychology、《管理世界》、《心理学报》等国内外顶尖学术期刊上发表论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。担任Management and Organization Review、Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology?编委会委员,《管理学季刊》编辑部成员,Human Relations、British Journal of Management、Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies、《管理世界》、《心理学报》等国内外权威期刊匿名审稿人。
2011—2016?? 中山大学??????? 公司管理? 博士??
2013—2014?? 香港教育大学(亚太领导与变革研究中心) 访学????????
2007—2011?? 中山大学??????? 逸仙班??? 学士
2021.09—至今? ? ? ? ? ? 中山大学? ? ? ? 副教授
2017.05—2021.08????? 中山大学??????? 特聘副研究员
Management and Organization Review 编委会委员
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 编委会会员?
Human Relations、British Journal of Management、Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies、《管理世界》、《心理学报》等国内外权威期刊匿名审稿人
(? 代表同等贡献;* 代表通讯作者)
- Qin, X. ?, Chen, C. ?*, Yam, K. C., Huang, M., & Ju, D. (2020). The Double-Edged Sword of Leader Humility: Investigating When and Why Leader Humility Promotes versus Inhibits Subordinate Deviance, Journal of Applied Psychology,105,693-712.?
- Qin, X., Yam, K. C., Chen, C.*, Li, W., & Dong, X. (2021). Talking about COVID-19 is Positively Associated with Team Cultural Tightness: Implications for Team Deviance and Creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 530-541.?
- Qin, X., Chua, R. Y.J.*, Tan, L., Li, W., & Chen C.*(2023). Gender bias in cultural tightness across the 50 U.S. states, its correlates and links to gender inequality in leadership and innovation. PNAS Nexus,2, pgda238.
- Chen, C., Qin, X.*, Johnson, R. E., Huang, M., Yang, M., & Liu, S. (2021). Entering an Upward Spiral: Investigating How and When Supervisors’ Talking about Abuse Leads to Subsequent Abusive Supervision, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 407-428.?
- Chen, C., Qin, X.*, Yam, K. C., & Wang, H. (2021). Empathy or Schadenfreude? Exploring Observers’ Differential Response to Abusive Supervision. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36, 1077-1094.?
- Qin, X., Chen C. *, Yam, K. C., Cao, L., Li, W., Guan, J., Zhao, P., Dong, X., & Lin, Y. (2022). Adults still can’t resist: A social robot can induce normative conformity, Computers in Human Behavior.?
- Qin, X., Yam, K. C., Ma, G., Chen, C.*, Zhu, H., & Wang, H. (2022). The Unintended Psychological and Behavioral Drawbacks of Big Push Strategies. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 97, 101842.
- Cao, L., Chen, C., Dong, X., Wang, M., & Qin, X.* (2023). The dark side of AI identity: Investigating when and why AI identity entitles unethical behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 14, 107669.
- Zhou, X., Chen, C., Yao, Y., Xia, J., Cao, L., Qin, X. * (2022) The scar that takes time to heal: A systematic review of COVID-19-related stigma targets, antecedents, and outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1026712.
- Qin, X., Yam, K. C., Chen, C., & Li, W. (2021). Revisiting social robots and their impacts on conformity: Practical and ethical considerations. Science Robotics, eLetters.
- Ju, D., Huang, M., Liu, D., Qin, X., Hu, Q., & Chen, C. (2019). Supervisory Consequences of Abusive Supervision: An Investigation of Sense of Power, Managerial Self-Efficacy, and Task-Oriented Leadership Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 154, 80-95.?
- Zhao, Y., Wang, X., Chen, C.*, & Shi, K. (2020). A Moderated Mediation Model of Workplace Ostracism and Task Performance: Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Task Interdependence. Chinese Management Studies, 14,51-67.?
- 陈晨,秦昕*,谭玲,卢海陵,周汉森,宋博迪. (2020). 授权型领导—下属自我领导匹配对下属情绪衰竭和工作绩效的影响. 管理世界, (12), 145-161.
- 陈晨,张昕,孙利平,秦昕*,邓惠如. (2020). 信任以稀为贵?下属感知被信任如何以及何时导致反生产行为. 心理学报, 52, 329-344.?
- 陈晨,时勘*,陆佳芳. (2015). 变革型领导与创新行为:一个被调节的中介效应模型. 管理科学, 28, 11-22.
- 孙利平,陈晨*,陈煊煊,秦昕,王海侠,薛伟. (2021). 员工职场偏差行为对其自身的影响:基于情感事件理论的探讨. 外国经济与管理, 43, 138-152.?
- 吴继飞,陈晨*,时勘. (2021). 职场排斥与组织公民行为:一个三维交互模型. 管理科学, 34, 38-49.
- 秦昕,薛伟,陈晨,刘四维,邓惠如. (2019). 为什么领导做出公平行为:综述与未来研究方向. 管理学季刊, (4), 39-62.?
- 董小炜,秦昕*,陈晨,黄鸣鹏,邓惠如,周汉森,宋博迪. (2021). 组织行为学中的时间相关研究与未来方向. 心理科学进展, 29, 747-760.?
- 陈建,赵轶然*,陈晨,时勘. (2018). 社会排斥对生活满意度的影响研究: 社会自我效能与社会支持的作用. 管理评论, 30, 256-267.?
- 刘子旻,时勘,万金,陈晨. (2018). 认知闭合需要研究梳理与未来走向. 心理科学进展, 26, 688-697.(重要核心期刊)
- 赵璞初,秦昕*,陈晨,李琬璐,关健,甘雨青. (2022). 差序格局是一种国家内文化吗?中国省际差序文化指标的开发与验证、异质性分布及其影响. 管理学季刊, 7, 120-149.
- 关健,秦昕*,陈晨,曹李梅,赵璞初. (2022). 英雄(H.E.R.O)本色:中国省际心理资本指标的开发验证及其影响. 管理学季刊.
- 蒋路远, 曹李梅, 秦昕*, 谭玲, 陈晨, 彭小斐. (2022). 人工智能决策的公平感知. 心理科学进展, 30, 1078-1092.