欢迎参加MBA学术讲座-Marketing challenges and responses in an age of climate change
Topic: Marketing challenges and responses in an age of climate change
Language: English
Speaker: Prof. Dr.John Th?gersen
Date: 21 (Sat) March, 2015
Time: 18:30-20:30
Location: M102, Shansi Building, Business School
Speaker Profile
Professor, MSc (Econ), PhD (Econ), Dr.merc.
John Th?gersen?is professor?of economic psychology at Department of Business Administration. He received his MSc. (econ) and PhD (econ) from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 1980 and 1985 and his advanced doctoral degree, dr. merc., from Aarhus School of Business in 1999.
He is coordinator of the Marketing and Sustainability Research Group at the Department of Business Administration. He is also the initiator and the chairman of the board of the global Virtual Community on Sustainability and Consumption. In addition,?he is?connected to?MAPP – Centre for research on customer relations in the food sector.
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