
欢迎参加【MBA名师论坛】European Economics-Greece As A Case



European Economics-Greece As A Case






讲座地点: 麻花传MDR免费版善衡堂厂131


主讲人: Prof.Theodoros Pangalos


Former?Deputy Prime Minister of Greece


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Transportation and Communications, Culture


Former Member of the Greek Parliament?



Competition and division of labor in the post-capitalist global economy. The relative and interdependent growth or stagnation of the USA, EU, China, Japan, India and other lesser emerging powers. Where innovation and technology is created and whether this situation will not be changed in the future.


The European unification: Political motivations and economic advantages. The supranational ambitions and the nation states. The common market and the euro. The limitations of the monetary union: 1. The lack of political leadership. 2. The stability agreement and the Deutschmark domination.


The case study of Greece:1. Why in Europe and why in the Euro-zone? Political necessities and economic capabilities. 2. State deficit and the market economy. 3. The national currency of the past and the stability agreement of today: Competitive advantages and limitations. 4. The deficit and indebtedness of the private sector. To whom lend money? 5. National populism: A new Greek mythology.




Theodoros Pangalos was born in Eleusis Athens on August 17, 1938.


He studied Law at the University of Athens and also Finance & Economics (Dr. of Economic Sciences) at the University of Paris I (Pantheon Sorbonne) after a scholarship obtained by the French Government.


Through significant actions during the student movement and as a founding member of Lambrakis Youth Establishment, he participated with an active role in the anti-dictatorial struggle, losing thus his Hellenic citizenship by junta in 1968.


From 1969 until 1978 he worked in Sorbonne as a Commissioned Teacher and a researcher in economic development, planning simultaneously regional issues. He was also the Director of the Economic Development Institute of the University of Sorbonne. In 1981 he was elected for the first time member of Parliament for PASOK, an office he hold continuously for 31 years until 2012 elections.


He has served as the Deputy Minister of Commerce (1982), Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs for European Community Affairs (1984) and Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs (1985-1989 and 1993-1994). During the period 1989 to 1993 he was designated as Representative of the Hellenic Parliament at the Council of Europe.


In July 1994 he was appointed as the Minister for Transportation and Communications. In January 1996 he was swan as the Minister for Foreign Affairs, exercising his duties until February 1999.


In April 2000 he was nominated as the Minister for Culture remaining in office until November 2000.

He then served as the Leader of the Hellenic Representation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union and the Council of Europe from November 2000 until 2004.


In September 2006, he was appointed as PASOK's General sponsor in the procedures of Constitutional Review.


From 2004 until the 2009 elections, he represented the Hellenic Parliament to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Western European Union and the Council of Europe.


Since the 2009 elections until 2012, he was appointed as the Vice President of the Hellenic Government (Deputy Prime Minister).


Theodoros Pangalos is the author of numerous articles and several books among which distinguish the following: "Globalization and the Left" (2001), "Ephemeral Prophets -Deadlocks of neoliberalism and social movements in the era of globalization" (2005), "Europe at a crossroad" (2005), "Intervention in News" (1994), "Greece in the European Community" (1988), "The losers" (2011), "We spent the money all together" (2012).


Theodoros Pangalos has handled a significant number of internal and foreign issues of the Hellenic Republic. The major topics he has worked on as a member of the Parliament or Government are:

??? *? Insurance Market Streamlining (1982)

??? *? Eurozone structuring

??? *? Commercial Union with Turkey, Norway and Russia

??? *? General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

?? ?*? Negotiation for the accession of Greece to European Union

*? Accession of Cyprus to European Union (1982)


Hellenic Presidency of the European Council (1988 & 1994) Formation of the financial supporting mechanism of the European Union (2011) Among his interests are European Union issues, energy, environment and resources, electronic governance and open data, geopolitical topics, international economics and globalization, public debt crisis management, Eurozone crisis, European diplomacy, Europeand Asia commercial relations and others.


Today Theodoros Pangalos works as an expert and visiting professor giving lectures at Universities and deals with entrepreneurship and the private sector.

The personal website of Theodoros Pangalos is located at ?.









