中国会计学刊(英文:China Journal of Accounting Research,简称:CJAR)编辑部
会计与商业研究(英文:Accounting and Business Research,简称:ABR)编辑部


Ilia Dichev(美国埃默里大学商学院教授、Goizueta基金会财务报告主席)
Professor Ilia Dichev is the Goizueta Foundation Chair in Financial Reporting at Goizueta Business School, Emory University. His research expertise includes market efficiency, capital markets, corporate financial reporting, and earnings management. He has received some of the highest research awards in Accounting, including the Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award and Distinguished Contributions to the Accounting Literature Award.

Katherine Schipper(美国杜克大学教授、美国会计准则委员会委员)
Professor Katherine Schipper is the Thomas F. Keller Professor of Business Administration at Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. She was a Board member of the FASB, and is a frequent speaker on matters related to international accounting convergence, financial reporting standard setting, and financial reporting quality. She has been named the AAA’s Outstanding Educator and has been elected to the Accounting Hall of Fame.