黄起海,现任英国哈德斯菲尔德大学University of Huddersfield管理、教育和法律商学院科研副院长、创业与管理教授。其主要研究方向为创业与管理,并获得了欧盟(EU)、英国文化委员会(British Council)、贸工部(UKTI)、管理高级研究院(Advanced Institute of Management)和国家自然科学基金等机构的资助。其诸多成果发表于Human Resource Management Journal,Regional Studies,??Journal of Business Research,Entrepreneurship and Regional Development,and Technovation等国际期刊。他曾任吉尔大学商学院科研副院长,兰卡斯特大学孔子学院创院院长、兰卡斯特大学管理学院创业与公司发展系主任和兰卡斯特中国管理中心主任等职。他于2015年入选世界100名创业学教授名录Hot Topics' list of the world's top 100 professors of entrepreneurship.
Network ties are crucial sources of organizational learning. Different types of networks, however, embody different types of resources and may relate to exploitative and exploratory learning differently. Drawing on social network theory and organizational learning, we differentiate overseas business and overseas ethnic ties of exporting SMEs and examine their relationship with exploitative and exploratory learning respectively. Our results based on survey data of exporting SMEs in China find that overseas business ties are positively related to exploitative learning whereas overseas ethnic ties are positively related to exploratory learning. Furthermore, slack resources strengthen the positive relationship between overseas ethnic ties and exploratory learning. Our study provides new theoretical and managerial insights for the utilization of business and ethnic ties to achieve exploratory and exploitative learning, particularly in the context of exporting SMEs.