匈牙利考文纽斯大学市场营销专业博士,研究领域主要关注数字营销和社交媒体:社交媒体平台或App如何通过人工智能 (AI),增强现实 (AR),虚拟现实 (VR) 等技术影响消费者的购买意愿。 消费者行为: 女性消费群体的特征和行为偏好,购买决策的因素,以及新兴技术 (如: 人工智能 (AI),增强现实 (AR),虚拟现实 (VR),元宇宙,聊天机器人等) 如何影响女性消费者的购买行为。以第一作者或通讯作者发表3篇SSCI论文,获得中国国家留学基金委员会及匈牙利国家奖学金全额资助,波兰国家科学中心奖学金,博士论文荣获 “创新研究奖”
Purpose – Chatbots have been explored as a novel approach to enhancing consumer engagement by delivering more enjoyable, personalized services. This research aims to investigate the mechanism through which anthropomorphic elements of chatbots influence consumers’ intentions to use the technology.?
Design/methodology/approach – This research introduces five key concepts framed through the “computers-are-social-actors” (CASA) paradigm: form realism (FR), behavioral realism (BR), cognitive trust (CT), entertainment (EM) and chatbot usage intention (CUI). An online questionnaire garnered 280 responses from China and 207 responses from Indonesia. Data collection employed a combination of purposive and snowball sampling techniques. This research utilized structural equation modeling through the analysis of moment structures (AMOS) 27 software to test the hypotheses.?
Findings – (1) FR positively predicts CT and EM, (2) FR negatively predicts CUI, (3) BR positively predicts CT and EM, (4) BR positively predicts CUI and (5) Both CT and EM mediate the relationship between FR and CUI, as well as between BR and CUI.?
Originality/value – This research enriches the current literature on interactive marketing by exploring how the anthropomorphic features of chatbots enhance consumers’ intentions to use such technology. It pioneers the exploration of CT and EM as mediating factors in the relationship between chatbot anthropomorphism and?consumer behavioral intention. Moreover, this research makes a methodological contribution by developing and validating new measurement scales for measuring chatbot anthropomorphic elements.?