Liu Yunguo
Research Areas£ºManagement Accounting and Corporate Governance, Internal Control (Internal Audit), Corporate Finance,etc.
Ph.D., Professor of Accounting, School of Business, Sun Yat-Sen University
Research Areas: Management Accounting and Corporate Governance, Corporate Finance, Capital Market Accounting and Auditing
PhD Business Administration (in Accounting) ?£¬Xiamen University (September, 2001), Xiamen, CHINA
Master£¬Changchun Taxation College (Now Jilin University of Finance and Economics, July 1995)
12/2007- present ? ?Professor of Accounting, SYSU
10/2004-12/2008 ? ?Vice director of the office of Social Science and Humanities, SYSU
06/2002-12/2007 ? ?Associate Professor of Accounting, SYSU
12/1999-06/2002 ? ?Lecturer of Accounting, Assistant Chairman of Accounting Department, School of Business, SYSU
07/1997-12/1999 ? ?Lecturer of Accounting, Guangdong Business College
07/1995-07/1997 ? ?Assistant Teacher of Accounting, Guangdong Business College
2008-2009 ? ? ? ?Training lecturer, KPMG Accounting firm at Guangzhou\Shenzhen
2003/10-2004/10 ? ?The Vice-Director of the financial office of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional People¡¯s Government
2002/09-2003/10 ? ?Assistant President of Inner Mongolia Finance and Economy College
2001/01-2001/06 ? ?Auditor at The Chen Lide CPA firms at HK
1994/09-1994/12 ? ?Trainee at General Taxation Office in Beijing
1988/03-1992/09 ? ?Electrician at Wuhan Valve Factory in Wuhan
1983/11-1988/03 ? ?Electrician and Chief of technology section at Wuhan asbestos tile manufactured goods in Wuhan
Oversea Experience
2016/07-2016/08 ? Case teaching and writing training, Harvard Business School, U.S.A.
2016/08-2016/09, CGA teaching training, McGill University, Canada
2019/10-2019/10, Visited Cardiff University, UK
2016/05-2016/05, CIMA training, Taiwan Chengchi University and Taiwan Soochow University, Taiwan, CHINA
2013/07-2013/08, Visited University of Oxford, and University of Cambridge, and London School of Economics and Political Science, and ICAEW. UK
2010/05-2011/05 ? ?Visiting Scholar at the Bauer college of Business, UH, TX, USA 2006/09-2007/02 ? ?Visiting Scholar at the Bauer college of Business, UH, TX, USA
Scholarly Books
1. Liu, Yunguo, (2020) , Studies on Financial Risks of Chinese Companies in Overseas Merger and Acquisition(M&A), China Social Science Press, Beijing, CHINA
2. Liu, Yunguo, (2015), Case studies of Management Accounting in Chinese Settings, China Finance & Economics Press, Beijing, CHINA
3. Liu, Yunguo, (2001). Application of Empirical Research Methods on Modern Management Accounting Research, China Finance & Economy Press, Beijing, CHINA.
Edited and Translated Book?
1.Hu Yuming, Tang Guliang, Liu Zhiyuan, Fu Yuanlue, Panfei, Xiao Zezhong, Liu Yunguo, et.al., 2009. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, People¡¯s University of China Press. Beijing.
2.Hu Yuming and Liu Yunguo Edited, 2008, ¡°Management Accounting Research¡±, China Machine Press.
3.Liu Yunguo and Hu Yuming, 2004 (Chief Translator), ¡°Application of Balance Scorecard in Government and non-profitable organization¡±, China Finance and Economy Press, September.
4. Liu Yunguo, with Liang Derong, and Huang Tinghui, 2003, ¡°Management Accounting Forefront¡±, Tsinghua University Press, December.
1. Liu Yunguo editor-in-chief, Management Accounting, 2021, 4th, China Renmin University Press, Beijing, CHINA
2. Liu Yunguo editor-in-chief, Advanced Management Accounting, 2018, 2th, China Renmin University Press, Beijing, CHINA
REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES (since 2006, Key journal is only , others omitted)
1. Liu Yunguo, Pan Yijun and Xu Yue, 2022. "Can online sales improve the information environment of capital market? Evidence from analyst forecasts", Nankai Business Review, Online.
2. Liu yunguo and Pan Yijun, 2022. "Enlightenment about professor Yu Xuying's management accounting thoughts on management auditing-commemorating the 100th anniversary of professor Yu Xuying's birth", Auditing Research, 4:124-128.
3. Sujuan Xie, Yujiang Chen, and Yunguo Liu, Internal governance and innovation, Accounting & Finance, 2021(61):2507-2538.
4. Wei Jiang£¬Bingxuan Lin£¬Yunguo Liu£¬Yue Xu£¬Chairperson Collectivism and the Compensation Gap between Managers and Employees: Evidence from China£¬Corporate Governance: An International Review£¬2019£¨4£©£º261-282
5. Wei Jiang, Yunguo Liu, Gerald J. Lobo, Yue Xu£¬Deferred cash compensation and risk-taking: Evidence from the Chinese banking industry£¬Pacific-basin Finance Journal£¬2019£¨53£©£º432-448.
6. Qiao Zheng, Yangyang Fan, C. S. Agnes Cheng, and Yunguo Liu£¬Audit Pricing for Privatised SOEs: Evidence from China£¬China Accounting and Finance Review, 2019,Vol21 (4):61-85.
7. ?Wei Jiang, Xinxin Liao, Bingxuan Lin, Yunguo Liu, The Effect of Compensation Disclosure on Compensation Benchmarking: Evidence From China£¬Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2018£¬Vol 33(2):252-276.
8. ?Shixin Yang, Yunguo Liu, Qiongdan Mai, Is the quality of female auditors really better£¿Evidence based on the Chinese A-share market, China Journal of Accounting Research, 2018, Vol 11(4):225-350.
9. ?Yue Xu, Yunguo Liu, Gerald J. Lobo£¬Troubled by unequal pay rather than low pay: The incentive effects of a top management team pay gap, China Journal of Accounting Research, 2016, Vol 9(2):115-135.
10. Xu Yue and Liu Yunguo, The Determinants and Consequences of the Dynamic Compensation Inconsistency in Top Management Teams: Evidence from Chinese Listed firms, China Accounting and Finance Review, 2017.6 Vol 19 (2):1-62.
11. Xinxin Liao and Yunguo Liu, Local fiscal distress and investment efficiency of local SOEs, China Journal of Accounting Research, 2014. Volume 7, Issue 2:119-147
12. Liu Yunguo, Wu Xiaomeng and Jiangtao. 2010. ¡°Ownership, Debt financing and Accounting Conservatism: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies¡±, Accounting Research, No.1 Jan.
13. Liu Yunguo and Wu Xiaoyu, 2009. ¡°The Ultimate Controller, Pyramidal Structure and Tunneling: Evidence from China¡¯s listed Companies¡±, Chinese Journal of Management, Vol.6. No.12.Dec.
14. Liu Yunguo and Gao Yalan. 2007. ¡°Outside Blockholders and Corporate Performance: Evidence from China¡¯s Listed Companies¡±, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University Social science edition, vol 47. 4:102-108.
15. Liu Yunguo and Liu Wen. 2007. ¡°Top-management Tenure and R&D Expenditure of China¡¯s Listed Companies¡±, Management World, 1:128-136.
16. Liu Yunguo and Chen Guofei. 2007. ¡°Performance Management of the Integration of BSC and EVA: Based on GP Group¡¯s case analysis¡±, Accounting Research, 9:50-59.
17. Liu Yunguo and Mai Jianqing and Wei Zheyan. 2006. ¡°Empirical Analysis on Audit Fees and Earnings Management: Evidence from Chinese Security Market¡±, Auditing Research, 2:74-80.
18. Liu Yunguo and Mai Jinan-qing. 2006. ¡°On Auditing Quality of Four Giant Accounting Firms: Preliminary Evidences from China¡¯s Capital Market¡±, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University Social science edition, vol 46. 3:118-123.
RANK AND AWARDS (partial list)
Guangdong Undergraduated Teaching Master (2021)
SYSU Teaching Master (2021)
Ministry of Finance Accounting Master training project (2019)
Ministry of Finance Special support program (2016-2019)
Ministry of Finance Leading Accounting Talent (2006-2012)
Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award (2018)
Excellent Paper Award (Third class) of Guangdong Province Government(2008)
Excellent Paper Award (Third class) of China Accounting Association (2009)
Excellent Paper Award(Second class) of China Accounting Association(2006)
Research Grants (partial list)
NSFC(National Natural Science Foundation of China) (2019-2022, General project)
NSFC(2016-2019, General project)
NSFC (2014-2017, General project)
NSFC (2018-2022 great project, subtopic)
NSFC (2010 key point project, subtopic)
Great project of Ministry of Finance (2017)
Ministry of Finance Accounting expert training Project (2019-2023)
Ministry of Finance Special support program (2016-2019)
National Social Science Foundation (2007-2010)
Guangdong Social Science Grant (2006-2008)
Guangdong Soft Science Grant (2006\2007\2008\2009)
Ministry of Finance Grant (2008\2017)
Guangdong Education Administration Grant (2010)
Editorial Responsibilities
Strategic Finance
Editorial Board
China Management Accounting Review (since 2017)?
Management Accounting Research (since 2018)
Guest Editor
Chinese Journal of Management (2006-)
China Accounting and Finance Review (2008)
Book Reviewer
Book Proposal Reviewer
Panel Speaker and Session Chairs (major conferences and multiple times)
China Accounting Association Management Section annual Conference
Finance and Cost Section of CAA
Management Accounting Section of CAA
Commercial Accounting Section of CAA
Workshop of Chinese Accounting \Finance\Management
Other Academic Services
Reviewer committee, Guangdong finance department
Reviewer, National refined courses
Reviewer committee, excellent dissertation of Ph.D and Master of Guangdong
Reviewer, Guangdong Degree committee
Reviewer, Guangdong Soft science research Grant
Reviewer, GD Natural Science Research Grant
Professional Associations
China Accounting Association, Management accounting section
Guangdong Accounting Association
Guangdong Auditing Association
China cost research association
Conference Presentations?
Liu, Yunguo, 2009. On Several Fundamental Theoretical Issues of Modern Management Accounting. CAA-MA section Annual Conference, Nanjing, CHINA.
Liu, Yunguo, Zhen Wenhong, 2009. ?Research on Costing and Cost control application ABC and EVA, CAA-MA section Annual Conference, Nanjing, CHINA
Liu, Yunguo, Wu, Xiaomeng, 2008. Property Right, Debt Contract and Accounting Conservatism, CAA 2008 Annual Conference. Changsha, CHINA
Management Accounting (Undergraduate, 2006-Present)
Accounting Principle (Undergraduate, 2006-Present)
Cost Accounting ?(Undergraduate, 2009-)
Advanced Management Accounting: Theory and Practice (MPAcc, 2005-)
Cost Control and Management Accounting (EMBA and MBA)
Advanced Management Accounting (Part-time graduate of Accounting,2000-Present)
Strategic Management Accounting (full-time graduate2002-2010)
Project Cost Management (MPM, 2008-2009)
Vice-Dean, School of Business, SYSU£¬ 2012.2-2016.2
Vice director of the office of Social Science and Humanities, SYSU, 2004-2008
Assistant Chair of Accounting, School of Business, SYSU, 2000-2002
School Academic Committee, 2012-2022
School Committee on Recruitment of new Faculty, 2008-present
Doctoral Advising & Dissertation Committee (since 2006)
PH.D£¬ Supervisor: ?
Tao, Jiang (Graduated)
Dongmei Wu (Graduated)
Xinxin, Liao (Graduated)
Yue Xu£¨Graduated£©
Mengning Liu (Graduated)
Shixin Yang (Graduated)
Qiao Zheng (Graduated)
Yijun Pan (Current student)
Minghui Zheng (Current student)
Academic Committee member: ? ? ?School of Business, SYSU
External committee member for doctoral students at the following schools:
School of Business, Jinan University, Guangzhou
School of Business, Xiamen University, Xiamen
School of Accounting, Southwest University of Finance and Economy, Chengdu
School of Business, Renmin University of China.